Parliamentary Oil: We are determined to legislate oil and gas during the current session

Parliamentary Oil: We are determined to legislate oil and gas during the current session

Kazem Al-Touki, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, revealed on Tuesday that the House of Representatives is now in the process of passing legislation pertaining to oil and gas. He emphasized the significance of this legislation in order to regulate the oil connection.

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“Parliament is waiting to send the draft oil and gas law in order to proceed with its legislation,” Al-Touki stated in an interview with the Maalouma Agency.

Noting that “there is communication between the legislative and executive authorities in order to expedite sending the law to ensure that each governorate obtains its entitlement to oil and gas,” he continued, “the coalition of state administration is unanimous in legislating the law during the current parliamentary session as it is one of the important laws agreed upon.”

Nermin Maarouf, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s envoy, had earlier disclosed that Baghdad and Erbil were holding fresh talks aimed at resolving their unresolved disagreements and reaching long-term strategic agreements.