A parliamentary committee determines the reasons for the delay in the oil and gas draft reaching Parliament

A parliamentary committee determines the reasons for the delay in the oil and gas draft reaching Parliament

The newest developments in the Oil and Gas legislation were disclosed by the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee on Tuesday, along with the confirmation that partisan political considerations are behind the delay in bringing the draft legislation to Parliament.

“The draft oil and gas law is still in the government’s corridors, under study and analysis, and it hasn’t been sent to the House of Representatives or any specific parliamentary committee like Finance, Oil and Gas,” committee member Intisar Al-Jazairy stated in an interview.

“There are many reasons, including political and partisan ones, that may obstruct or delay this law from reaching Parliament,” she continued. That is, oil is vulnerable to partisan and political whims in any governorate that possesses it.

“After concluding the session to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives, we hope to begin in a real and correct way to consider important laws such as the oil and gas law and taxes,” stated a member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee.

“The need to do justice to Basra Governorate in the oil and gas law,” said Al-Jazairi.

The Kurdistan area continues to be a barrier to the oil and gas law’s acceptance, according to political expert Sabah Al-Ukaili. However, he emphasized that the law’s passage will end all conflicts in the oil provinces, particularly the Kurdistan region.

To stop the infractions and thefts committed by the Kurdistan Regional Government concerning the oil smuggling case, the Kurdish parties are still blocking the passage of the oil and gas legislation, which needs to be voted on in Parliament.