TNT – “More Tidbits From TNT” Sunday PM 2-25-2024


TNT:  Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains

 Economic expert, Durgham Muhammad, said on Sunday that deleting the currency’s zeros does not conflict with its value, explaining what needs to be taken before resorting to this step.

Muhammad told Jarida, “Deleting the currency’s zeros is a regulatory process that does not conflict with its value, but this step needs educational campaigns to precede it, and a transitional period for trading the currency with its zeros and the new currency to know that the two currencies are equal in value.”

He stressed, “Printing new denominations must be proportional to the market’s need to cover daily trading, provided that there is no significant increase in the monetary supply in the market so that inflation does not occur.”  link

Tishwash:  The end of the second round of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington for the withdrawal of the coalition… and Iraqi hopes for another

Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, announced today, Sunday, the end of the second round of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington regarding the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq.

Hussein said, in a press statement, “The negotiations are continuing and the second round has ended, and we hope to have other rounds,” without revealing the results of the last two rounds.

It is also possible that there will be a round of discussions in Washington during the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the United States, according to Hussein.
On January 25, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the success of the negotiations between the Iraqi and American governments, which began in August 2023, to formulate a timetable specifying the duration of the presence of international coalition advisors in Iraq and ending the military mission of the coalition against ISIS. link


Tishwash:  For the first time in 20 years.. Iraq participates in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization

On Sunday, the Ministry of Commerce participated for the first time since 2004 in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, which is being held in the capital, Abu Dhabi.

Minister Atheer Al-Ghurairi said in a speech during his participation in the preparatory meeting of Arab trade and economic ministers within the Arab group for the thirteenth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “Iraq is participating for the first time since 2004 in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, which is held in… The capital, Abu Dhabi,” pointing to “the completion of the requirements for Iraq’s accession to the organization, which is the completion of the files of trade in goods and trade in services within the timetable for joining the global multilateral trading system.” 

The minister pointed to “the desire and seriousness of the Iraqi government to establish balanced economic relations with all countries of the world at various levels and fields by improving the business and investment environment and making real reforms in laws and legislation.” 

He thanked “the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for supporting the process of Iraq’s accession to the international organization through the visit of its permanent ambassador to the organization, Saqr Al-Muqbel, and his chairmanship of the working group for Iraq’s accession.”

Regarding intra-trade and increasing trade exchange between Arab countries, Minister Al-Ghurairi noted “Iraq’s keenness on the importance of the presence of Arab countries in Iraq to restore its effective role in economic organizations.”

The Minister offered congratulations to “the State of the Comoros and East Timor on obtaining membership in the World Trade Organization  link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: Strategic projects will work to attract partnership and economic integration in Iraq

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Sunday that major strategic projects will work to attract partnership and economic integration, while pointing to Iraq’s foreign position.

Al-Sudani’s statements came in a dialogue symposium held by the Baghdad Institute for Dialogue, under the slogan (Regional Communication… The Centrality of Iraq), during which current topics and the course of Iraqi relations with neighboring countries and the world were discussed, and the most prominent positions in this regard were discussed.

Al-Sudani pointed out, at the beginning of his speech during the symposium, the importance of these research institutions in decision-making, and their focus on facts away from confusion and prejudices, indicating that the government has set a primary goal for its work, which is to build trust with the Iraqi street, which is itself a criterion for determining priorities in work. .

On the security axis, he stressed that ISIS today represents a defeated organization. The recent operations of our armed forces have proven its inability to exist even in remote areas. If stability is achieved and the capabilities of our forces develop, they will strengthen the conviction of the possibility of ending the presence of the international coalition and moving towards bilateral relations.

Regarding foreign relations, the Prime Minister stated that Iraq follows a balanced approach, staying away from alliances and axes, and is open to developed relations with everyone, and has the ability to communicate with them, and also has distinguished relations with the United States and Iran.

Al-Sudani reiterated “Iraq’s position that rejects its lands being an arena for others’ conflict, pointing out the importance of intertwining interests in the region, and the shift from political focus to economic focus.”

He continued by saying, “Major strategic projects, such as the Development Road Project, will work to attract partnership and economic integration, and they reinforce Iraq’s idea of proposing an economic bloc, as was previously proposed at the Arab Summit, as projects that fuel development and enhance integration between Arab countries    link