Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-7-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Good Evening ,

Our Global Economy is in process of redefining and recalculating currency values. Specifically, we are undergoing pilot programs to determine regulations on the use and the amount needed to level the playing field in trade among countries.

These are measured in units of account in the banking world. Each unit of account currently has a digital value and a commodity value inside what we are currently calling a tokenized asset going forward.

These new pending prices are what many are calling a Global Currency Reset. This is why new laws have been coming into effect on our new digital economy the last two and almost a half years to solidify real values going forward.

Real values are necessary for the new Quantum Financial System to calculate with precision and speeds we have never seen before in history, and not, artificial values controlled and determined by a single country.

This is the year to determine these new values going forward that will affect our Global Economy for generations to come.   Finance Magnates

© Goldilocks


In the future, you will hold “units of account” for the currencies you hold or one single currency. Each of these units of account (currency) will be instilled with values that come from a digital asset.

Are you beginning to see how power will be given back to the people? You will literally be holding a real asset in your hand(s) going forward. You will own gold, and gold belongs to the people.

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


The dollar is transitioning into a secular Bear Market. Let’s watch what happens to Gold.



Current restrictions in credit is beginning to affect Banking liquidity opportunities that creates even less money to the banking system.

Many small Banks are vacant and creating more and more stress on the commercial real estate market. Banks are consolidating, and some are going out of business.

As Banks transition from a client-centered operation to a trading centered operation, it will be a profitable movement of the new digital economy that will bring in more liquidity going forward.

Asset and liability management are quickly becoming the new roles of the banking system.

Asset Management is the acquiring, trading, and maintaining of assets inside a Bank that has potential growth.

Yes, the new digital economy is digitally based and maintained in and through the banking system. Clients will be seen as investors holding assets of potential growth such as digital assets backed by gold and other commodities.

These assets will grow over time and be encouraged to solidify their growth potential through portfolios run by AI and other means.

The world of banking, and the lifestyle shift of our new GLOBAL ECONOMY is and will change the way we live.    International Banker

© Goldilocks


President Putin’s Advisor Announcement:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin’s advisor on foreign policy issues said, ‘Work will continue to develop the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, primarily regarding the use of currencies different from the US dollar’”

The BRICS Nations are in process of creating an independent payment system based on digital technologies & blockchain.

Their intentions are to create a trading coin backed by gold. Remember, 70% of (digital) trade is done on the water from country to country. It will provide more strength to currencies who have been utilizing the dollar instead of their own countries’ currencies going forward.

This will significantly shift the role of the dollar, as well as, empower Eastern countries gaining strength in their local currencies through these measures.   First Post

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks


China is withdrawing from the US Stock Market by way of US dollar to Yuan trades on Forex. The Yuan will no longer be able to buy US Dollars on Forex.

If you look closely, the Depository Trust Company will be closing these trades on March the 8th, 2024.

Are they about to back their currency by gold? If not, will their gold token become more accessible in the world of trade? Either way, you can expect a major shift like this to have a backup plan.

© Goldilocks



Essential to keeping the market liquid, broker-dealers can be firms, banks or individual people. And as you may be able to guess from the hyphenated name, they serve two distinct roles.

What Is a Broker-Dealer, and What Do They Do? – SmartAsset


XRP Escrow: Foundation for XRP’s Transition to Global Reserve Currency, Experts Say |  Crypto News Flash


Instant Payments Regulation Announcement:

The Council of the European Union has, on the 26th of February of this year,  adopted a regulation aimed at promoting instant payments within the European Union (EU), in accordance with the Union’s initiative to foster a capital markets union. The Instant Payments Regulation will allow individuals to transfer funds to another EU member state as well as within the same country in just 10 seconds, at any time of day.


In November 2000, the SEC adopted Exchange Act Rule 11Ac1-5. Rule 11Ac1-5 is aimed at improving public disclosure of order execution quality.

New SEC Rule 605 (formerly 11Ac1-5) requires FINRA to make available certain order execution information, facilitating the uniform public disclosure of order execution information by all market centers.  SEC   FINRA  


European Central Bank Holds Interest Rates Steady…Ira’s Morning Flash Video for 3 7 2024 | YouTube


Arizona Senate considers Bitcoin and other digital asset ETFs for state pension investment | Crypto Briefing


President Biden will address a Joint Session of Congress at the United States Capitol on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 9 PM ET. | Whitehouse


Qatar Central Bank is set to launch its new instant payment service this month as part of its Third Financial Sector strategy. | Fintech Futures


Repost Reminder:

Take a look at the top listing on Credit Bank of Iraq bank rate inside Iraq. It is important to note that the US dollar conversion rate still remains the same, but it is listed as a currency that can be exchanged with the dinar.

Scroll all the way to the far right of the dinar listing at Credit Bank of Iraq, and you will find that one US dollar still buys 1,300 dinar.

You might want to save this page with the below article link to refer back to when checking currency rates inside Iraq.    Credit Bank of Iraq

© Goldilocks

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