These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
Try not to surrender on the off chance that you’re having inconvenience at banks…IMO simply go to a bank that trades unfamiliar money. We’re involving Pursue as one model. There’s others. Go to that bank and just open a reserve funds or financial records. If they ask you for what valid reason would you like to open this checking or bank account tell them since, ‘I have money…I need to place into the record.’ When you have your record open, return home and simply stay there and hold on until it happens…When the gift happens return to that bank and tell them, could I at any point converse with your Abundance Oversee Division? They’ll send you to the back, away from the bank and they will deal with you…
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
Individuals generally say, Goodness, you know, President Hedge said the Iraqi dinar will pay for the actual conflict. No, what he said was Iraq would pay for the actual conflict, not the Iraqi dinar. They’re discussing the oil. It wasn’t even Shrub that said that…
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] It might be here by Easter.The news is excellent.Currently in Washington, DC, is a delegation of Iraqi foreign ministers. By the middle of the week, we anticipate that they will declare that the “sanctions” have been lifted. I got my information from the DC beltway. The moment the sanctions are withdrawn ought to be “GO” time.
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
The confidential area will be the fuel to what they consider is the main venture on the planet (Improvement Street project). Their words not mine. Article statement: ” The underlying plans for the Improvement Street Task have arrived at cutting edge stages… The improvement street is a crucial venture, one of the main undertakings in the world…”
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Paulette :
Iraq seems to be moving toward a complete RI, but I think an intermediate measure will be implemented very soon. If they take the initiative, I predict that the MCP will be promptly removed, allowing them to go on to a complete RI. A restoration to the rate that represents the True Value and complete Article 8 compliance constitute a RI. The MOP/MOF announced in 2009 that the rate will shift to 1.14–1.17 USD/IQD, track inflation for three years, and then adjust to represent the True Value of 3.208 USD/IQD. Dr. S had a strategy, and it seems like they are back on track now that they are implementing it.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
There will need to be new notes. However, since practically everything else will be done electronically, their primary usage will be in the home market. Member nations cannot “walk away” from their currency, according to the IMF. This new erase the zeros / note paradigm is simple. You may stop wringing your hands now.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :
The previous currency loses its value once it is re-denominated. Your higher bank note has no more value or greater purchasing power than the new notes, but you can exchange it for the new, lesser bank notes.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: When Sudani travels to Washington, TV says. Whoa, that’s a long break. It means that, if anything changes this year, it won’t likely change until after that. FRANK: It doesn’t matter if it occurs on April 15. I could care less if it occurs tomorrow. I just know that everything we’re witnessing is a result of it. The evidence is at hand. It is beyond a doubt.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] Over the weekend, some exciting new information will be released by sources. Overnight and throughout the weekend, bond contacts really took off. After being silent for a while, one of my contacts “lit up” and stated they were really expecting things by this week’s midweek.People who haven’t been excited in a long time are suddenly feeling enthusiastic.Similar reports are reaching me from my bank as well.I am aware that the entire procedure should just take a week, and that the first thing we need to witness is bond people receiving money.We are expected to go right away after bonds.
According to Newshound Guru Clare :
Article titled “Government spokesman: The Prime Minister will discuss 5 basic files during his visit to Washington” According to the quote: “among the files that will be discussed during the visit also are the financial file and what is related to the decisions of the US Treasury, the influence of Iraqi banks and the debts owed by Iraq,”
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
With Iraq’s admission to the World Federation of Free Economic Zones (FEMOZA) and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, its new membership law appears to be gathering traction. Iraq’s next step toward international integration is probably the WTO.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: The CBI officials and parliament finance officials have been meeting to discuss ways to pay wages and all of our projects. This is encouraging. Just before the budget is presented to parliament the next week, they are meeting. FRANK: Firefly is aware that an exchange rate will be revealed if it is brought before parliament and votes on it. Not a program rate, for sure.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru tishwash :
Article: “The dollar’s slide… According to Parliamentary Finance, the situation will “finally” come to a conclusion. According to sources: “The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament confirmed, today, Sunday (March 24, 2024), that the dollar exchange rates in the parallel market will continue to decline until the official price fixed by the Central Bank of Iraq is reached.”; “… this crisis are on their way to being resolved once and for all.” ; “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington is very important at the level of financial and economic files, and Al-Sudani is discussing with the American side strengthening and strengthening the Iraqi dinar”