News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 4-30-2024


BRICS: $260 billion in trade without a single dollar

Mon 29 Apr 2024 –  by Luc Jose A., Cointribune

As the American debt’s wild growth of more than 34,600 billion dollars continues to raise concerns, the BRICS deliver another blow to the greenback. China and Russia, two founding countries of the alliance, plan to conduct 260 billion dollars of trade without resorting to a single American dollar. Only Russian ruble, Chinese yuan, and a little bit of euro.

Other members of the coalition are expected to follow suit soon. Perceiving the immediacy of the threat, the USA reacts by combining threats and diplomacy. 

China and Russia accelerate the BRICS dedollarization plan

The threat of dedollarization of global trade has gone beyond the stage of rhetoric. Determined to dethrone the greenback, China and Russia plan to conduct this year 260 billion dollars of trade without using a single dollar.

The information was conveyed on X by the famous Indian geopolitical analyst S.L. Kanthan, who predicts that this initiative will soon become widespread within the BRICS. Indeed, last year, China and Russia had conducted several official trade transactions in yuan and ruble.

Likewise, Russia has for some time been conducting transactions in yuan with several countries, including Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Mongolia, and Tajikistan.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26    [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]     FIREFLY: We have Saleh the finance advisor to Sudani on television, Iraqi Channel One right now and he’s saying that today the 2024 budget it’s in full force.  He also says it’s active and there’s no need to send this budget to parliament for any approval.  We are very confused.  We thought it was being amended…Now saying no need to send.  FRANK:  The budget does not need parliament.  I keep telling you this over and over over.  The budget waits for the new exchange rate.  The exchange rate is not waiting for anyone or anything especially stupid parliament.

Militia Man  Article:  “We will see the dollar decline in the black market soon…the central bank’s credit rating [from the World Bank] is an A++ and exceeded the United Arab Emirates…”  That’s the prime minister’s advisor talking…That’s phenomenal.  It’s big.  It says a lot.  It says they have trust.  It says Iraq has the ability to pay back their bills.


Ariel:  Dinar On The Move- 

 Al Saleh stated that the 2024 budget is already in full force. 

 Iraq also announced a new platform (SAP) that allows their currency to go international.

 The parliament is no longer needed to make any amendments to the budget.

 The exchange rate supposedly ready to come out prior to May 9th. 

 They are now debating whether or not the rate should float or come out at a fixed price. 

The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that Iraq can track money laundering crimes, through its supervisory bodies, even outside the country.

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Monday (April 29, 2024), that the positive results of the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington will appear soon. (Rate Change?)

The Sudanese signed 18 memorandums of understanding during their visit to Washington 10 days ago.  

Mastercards are being given to the Iraqi citizens to purchase fuel, merchandise, and online shopping. 

Al-Awadi pointed out that “Iraq needs investments to exploit its wealth, as well as to develop the industrial and agricultural sectors, so that we can move from a rentier economy to a market economy, support the private sector, and provide more jobs in the private sector.


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