“Coffee With MarkZ” Monday Morning 5-27-2024


Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Morning All!! Thank you for all who have sacrificed their all and to their families

​​Member: Happy Memorial day and thanks to all of you veterans for your service.

Member: Good mornings Mark and crew!! Been a QUIET weekend on intel. Bring us something good!

Member: Mark what do you think about Iraq saying it will be in the coming days??

MZ:  It certainly is a “push” They are talking about it openly in the Iraqi news. …MilitiaMan did a good job covering this on the weekend. They are blatant on this one “The impending rate change” . They are telling us what they are doing.

Member: Maybe less talk and more action then…….Let’s Go!!

​​Member: US last for banking changes and tomorrow is our day I believe for faster payment processing? I remember May 28th date.

Member: Frank26 said the parallel market is now even with the official market and we are ready to go to 1 to 1.

MZ: That makes sense to me. We have been looking for parity in the parallel market and official market …. a number of Iraqi sources would agree with that. That is their goal before they move to their next step, which should be a substantial value change. That is according to them in the white papers and monetary reform papers. You can read it there.

Member: Even if it’s 1 to 1……that would help many right now in dire circumstances.

​​Member: I think the Dinar will eventually be between $3.80 to $3.95 value

MZ: Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar.

Member: Well, with the USD only being worth about 20 cents… it wouldn’t take much for the Iraqi dinar to be worth more

Member: I read that some are saying we should go very soon possibly the 1st week of June

MZ: Nader dropped a video that is really interesting. Iraq is adding a number of other Arab banks in the country…….This is kind of a way for them to work around the US sanctions on some Iraqi banks. Its a great piece that tells us why it is so important for Iraq to get out from underneath those and have its value change. It is important ((IMO) for Iraq to move quickly on value.

MZ: I had a great conversation with a person involved with historic bonds yesterday afternoon. We have a few that are expecting spendable dollars Tuesday morning….Tomorrow morning. They were told they would have gotten it today if the banking system was open.

MZ: These are individual bond holders that are expecting access tomorrow. We should know in the morning if they disappeared (NDA) I am very hopeful about this one.

MZ: I spoke with a couple people involved with the process and cannot share the specific information – but it was very encouraging. But if what they say is accurate it could put us within days or a week or two at most of us processing and exchanging on the currency side of it.

MZ: I will try to get clearance to share a few more details in the morning but do not want to get anyone in trouble. .

Member: It would sure help knowing if this is real and happening right now.

MZ: I have some interesting news from the group side. Some are hearing nothing yet- and some are being told to prepare for some kind of announcement. I think some groups who have had “leaks” are being held to the end to make sure rumors of the timing is secure.

Member: I think we will see this happen early June for us.

MZ: I am kinda of your mindest. I think we will see solid movement before that like historic bonds…..but, it makes sense right now due to where we are in the month.

Member: Mark Z , what would  Warren buffet value of his $100 million investment be worth after he rvs? And what do you think he invested in for the rv?

MZ: he stands to make about 1.7 billion based on my math.

MZ: “The gap between the rich and poor is larger than ever and frustration is growing to dangerous levels”  This shows us why its so important to reset our monetary system.

Member: Very interesting yesterday there were 4 cars in front of my local Bank, and looked across the street and saw 4 cars in the Bank parking lot. Very odd at 2:00 in the afternoon on Sunday Holiday weekend

MZ: Today is Memorial Day and banks are closed. The chances of getting more news today is pretty slim…..so thinking of taking the night off unless there is breaking news.

Member: Much love to everyone today. – keep on being strong in this current war in which we find ourselves

Member: Lord, we are weary, BUT we are ready !! Strengthen our resolve to help make this the world you wanted for us! Lift us up & bless your faithful to go out & be beautiful examples of unconditional LOVE!


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

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Mod:  MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX5_YgqVEbg