Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (06-15-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

It seems like some of you have lost faith.We are aware that Iraq will prosper in the absence of full-fledged conflicts, and even in that case, oil revenues will rise. Nobody is abandoning Iraq.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

In the country, a dinar is a dinar. That’s what it will be for them, whatever they come up with. However, the Iraqi dinar will increase in value on a global scale outside of Iraq, and you will observe this increase. You’ll say, “Hey, it’s at $1.50 to one, SOLD!” Exchange everything. Someone might say, ‘Very much let me stand by somewhat more.’ Several weeks pass. Hello, gaze it’s toward $2.00. Trading everything!’ … beyond Iraq, we will watch the float.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

“Will they take the zeros out of country (for us) before we can exchange, as Iraq is deleting the zeros in-country and then providing its residents new money at an enhanced rate (more than $1.00)? Will we receive the Forex value for the complete 25K note or will our 25K notes become the equal of the new 25 dinar note and then receive its new value from Forex?” I believe we will receive the forex rate for the full $25k note.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Why is Sudani now spreading thousands of brand-new ATMs throughout Iraq?

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The parallel market disappears if they have a true effective exchange rate, as al-Sudani predicted, where the dinar will be stronger than the dollar.Naturally, the stronger the currency, the less expensive it is for Iraq to carry out its necessary actions. It makes perfect sense. That’s how easy it is.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Query: “Do these ATM machines have the lower notes?” Of course, software. About the notes, [I’ll] text Walkingstick’s acquaintance at the Iraqi Bank, Aki.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Is it required that Iraq release the rate in the budget prior to our scheduling meetings? MarkZ: In my opinion, it’s not essential. Like they did with Kuwait, I think they’ll attempt to keep the rate secret for as long as they can.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Question: I saw that there are upcoming holidays in Iraq. Would this cause them to release the rates more slowly? MarkZ: Kuwait was always appreciated more during Ramadan, no matter how far back we go in history. During a holiday in the early 1970s, Iraq was revalued. I wouldn’t let such things worry me too much.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

The article says “Withdrawing has become easier.. Al-Rafidain begins deploying ATM machines in institutions and malls” Translation: “Al-Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas, and malls, respectively, in implementation of its strategic objectives”

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

Newspaper article: “Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Just take a look at all the advancements achieved since Iraq declared in December 2022 that they were fully free of Chapter VII. The last obstacles to reinstatement are being addressed one by one, and now that the faucet is wide open, we can watch and wait. According to my contact at the CBI, there is a good chance that the currency exchange will occur in June.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

They appeared on television and are now displaying…Rafadin Bank brought in every piece of equipment.These boxes contain it. They claim that all banks are now installing the newest ATMs. They promised to follow up with the business sectors as the following phase.Additionally, they declared that all of these ATMs will be made available in shopping centers and several other places. They claim that these ATMs are state-of-the-art and equipped with the newest technologies. FRANK: The CBI is now situating these ATMs for you since they have the updated software for the smaller notes.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Right now, it does seem to be the “Perfect Storm”…