A representative points out 7 controversial points that stand before the legislation of the oil and gas law

A representative points out 7 controversial points that stand before the legislation of the oil and gas law

Individual from the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Board, Agent Ali Al-Mashkoor, affirmed on Tuesday that seven disputed matters between the locale and the middle stand before the regulation of the oil and gas regulation, it are regulatory and specialized to demonstrate that the seven focuses.

“The dialogues between the center and the region regarding agreement on the oil and gas law are still continuing between the technical and administrative committees to discuss the paragraphs of the law proposed by both sides,” Al-Mashkoor said in a statement to the.

He added, “The contested legitimate materials are summed up in seven focuses and are conveyed among managerial and specialized, the most unmistakable of which is the locale’s interest to incorporate a condition of the right of protest (blackball) on choices to be in a little rate, and this matter is unsuitable by the middle.”

Al-Mashkoor brought up that “no choice can be given besides in light of a legitimate concern for the district to the detriment of the general interest of the country.”