News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 6-27-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 27 June 2024

Compiled Thurs. 27 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Unrealized Losses at US Banks Exceed Bank Reserves
The FDIC Doesn’t Have Enough Money To Cover Bank Deposits
US Bank Runs Imminent

Prepare for 10 Dark Days of Military Controlled Lockdown

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Note The Global Currency Reset of 207 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies was said to have the effect of automatically shutting down the Cabal’s international operations. That was because the Illuminati’s “Dirty Monies” wouldn’t be accepted on the new Global Financial System that was already functioning independent of banks on over 500 Star Link Satellites floating above us in the air.

Wed. 26 June 2024 US Banks unrealized losses have reached $525 billion. This is almost seven times bigger than the great financial crisis of 2008. The unrealized losses have exceeded the total reserves of America’s largest banks. In addition, the FDIC doesn’t have enough money to cover bank deposits.


Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors/Opinions)

Wed. 26 June 2024 Wolverine: It’s ready to go, in fact it has already started. Some are getting paid and they are all under NDA. Another source says it is going to be this week, but things are happening right now and they are processing the first group. The second group should go around the 4th of July, while some say right after Thurs. 4 July.

Wed. 26 June 2024 TNT Tony: “Every single source says it’s done and we await the go signal. So we wait. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on. Sunday 30 June 2024 is a celebration day in Iraq. They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is. The Dinar Live New Rate Window is Thurs. 27 June 5pm EST 2024 to Sunday morning 30 June 2024.

Tues. 25 June 2024 MarkZ: “I am getting inundated with bank contacts telling me to expect that things have already started, but coming to fruition in banks after July 4, with a rollout in the days immediately following – around the 6th and 7th. That is the rumor. Remember that we don’t know the timing. I am sure getting a heck of a lot from the banking side that things are now moving quickly and that is what they are preparing them for.”

Wed. 26 June 2024 Frank 26: Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and his team went to the US Treasury and delivered the monetary reforms that Sudani would implement for RV and RI of the IQD. That was the reason they were reforming the banking sector, which would increase the value of the Iraqi Dinar.

Wed. 26 June 2024: NESARA GESARA – The Cry for Restitution and Justice: The Shocking Truth About Our Stolen Wealth and the Cry for Restitution – American Media Group (

Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 26 June 2024 US Banks unrealized losses have reached $525 billion. This is almost seven times bigger than the great financial crisis of 2008. The unrealized losses have exceeded the total reserves of America’s largest banks. In addition, the FDIC doesn’t have enough money to cover bank deposits. …US Debt Clock on Telegram Wed. 26 June 2024

Wed. 26 June 2024 The United States Federal Reserve has been allegedly hacked by a Ransomware group called LockBit. The declaration was made through a post on the Dark Web. The group claims to have extracted 33 terabytes of sensitive banking information. The data reportedly includes confidential details of American banking activities. This could be one of the most substantial breaches of financial data in history if proven to be true. They are already linking this group to Russia. There has been no confirmation of the breach by the Federal Reserve so far. The number 33 should tell you everything you need to know. The Federal Reserve has less than 24 hours according to the group.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   Article:  “DOZENS OF IRAQI COMPANIES PARTICIPATE IN AN INVESTMENT SUMMIT IN AMERICA”  …in the past years I said – What is the US waiting for? Why have they not yet invested the US companies in Iraq? There is billions to make over there. – Well the spigot had to be opened first and now its opened. The spigot analogy means that the sanctions are over, war reparations paid and now they can do business easily with the rest of the world. But as you know with Iraq nothing happens overnight and so it took a year and a half to open the spigot but now it’s opened up wide.

Militia Man  Oil is in the budget for 2023 was at $70 but oil has been over $80 for quite some time.  They’re gaining a lot of money.  Then they’ve increased non-oil revenues at the borders, a lot of money.  Liquid natural gas etc, a lot of money…This is happening…They’ve talked about sovereign funds…If all the stuff is what they’re saying it is…these guys are going to be popping with money.

EXCELLENT Progress in Iraq; Stock Market; Development Road Project Latest Update

Edu Matrix:  6-27-2024

Andy Schectman: JP Morgan Raises Silver Target To $34

Arcadia Economics:  6-27-2024

Gold and silver have sold off over the past week. But while that’s happened, JP Morgan has just published a new report recommending to buy the metals on the dip.

 JP Morgan has targets of $2,600 for gold and $34 for silver by 2025. And of course they are just one of the many banks that has recently been increasing their gold and silver price forecasts.

 So Andy Schectman joins me on the show to talk about the bank coverage that’s going out to the institutional funds, new inflation comments by Zoltan Pozsar, and a change in the physical gold and silver premium levels.

To find out the latest in the precious emtals markets, click to watch the video now!