These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Harlequinc3 :
The literal translation is “removing the old currency from circulation” when three zeros are removed. All it means is that. They accomplish this by luring you, me, and Iraqi citizens with an appealing sum. CBI will increase the exchange rate incrementally until it reaches the desired rate after removing a certain amount of the old currency. The term for this is “dirty float.” After some time, the CBI will probably change this to a pure float, similar to what you see on regular ForEx, like the dollar, euro, pound, etc. But you and I won’t care about that because we will already have exchanged our dinars for dollars (or whatever other currency you use in your country). [Page 2 of 2]
According to Newshound Guru Harlequinc3 :
Concerning the dinar 3-zeros video from 7-17-2024, here is a question: “As I watch the video, it appears that their illustration hints at deleting from the currency in such a way that it appears that they would not recognize the existing zeros and would only accept larger denominations with the thought in mind that the additional three zeros are no longer recognized,” according to the video. Three zeros will be removed from.00076 by the CBI (1310 IQD: $1USD.) The rate of exchange now stands at $.76. However, almost simultaneously, they will restore their international currency to $3.22 and possibly increase it by 20% over the course of 20 years to $3.86. When it is reinstated, the dinar can be exchanged internationally just like any other currency. [Post 1 of 2…check back later]
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :
It’s not a secret. The Iraqi dinar’s monetary reform is well known around the world. The world at large is aware that a new exchange rate will result from this. It’s no secret that everyone anticipates an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
According to the CBI, this is a RI. Had it been a LOP, they would have said so publicly and the IMF would have forced them to do so.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
If you live in Iraq and have a 50k note, the exchange rate for that note will be completely different. The rate of exchange will have value. It will be one to one or higher based on the American dollar. It will rise and be capped when it goes international in a float, making everyone happy…
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
“Frustrating results from Iraqi Foreign Minister’s meeting with US Treasury regarding pressures on the Central Bank”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[With PDK] “Iraq keeps expanding its fleet of ships” Two of their ships are used, while five are being built.This will come at a high financial cost. Iraq has several enduring objectives. They still haven’t paid for them, so maybe Iraq is waiting for the dinar’s value to fluctuate.
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
I continue to tell individuals, the WTO will discuss the Iraqi swapping scale yet not as in they’re compelling or telling Iraq they need to change their conversion standard. That is not the very thing they do. They simply discuss exchange and any obstacles that are among them and exchange individuals. They can call attention to something, they can make suggestions, however it’s not up the WTO with regards to the trade rate…I realize individuals are letting you know it will be on July eighteenth they will change the swapping scale. No they’re not.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
The reciprocal of the current exchange rate at 1310 is roughly.0007633. If you remove those three zeros from an exchange rate, the currency gains value. That’s how easy it is. Nobody believes that printing new money in 2018 with new, tiny denominations that have no inherent value makes sense. Nobody can really understand that, especially since that other coalition troops and the United States both own a sizable share of the Iraqi dinar.As the tide rises, so do all boats.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
It is my expectation that the following stage of the financial change will eliminate 3-zeros from the conversion scale that Forex is using…After we have lifted the 3 zeros the subsequent stage is it goes into a float…as a RI…Then it goes into a re-section. It implies you disposed of those 3-zero notes… The conversion scale recently different, you now need…the more modest notes in light of the fact that the conversion scale just got huge. At the present time the Iraqi notes are huge with a ton of zeros in light of the fact that the conversion standard is small. However, it is going to flip. By eliminating the 3 zeros from the conversion standard of .00076 you increase the value of the cash. [Post 2 of 2]
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
[New Iraqi Dinar 3-zeros Video Survey displayed underneath in Frank26’s post 3-17-2024] A 50,000 note, they showed you a picture…and then they took an enchanted marker and they checked off the 3-zeros on the 50k note…that was a little misleading…Many individuals saw…the 3-zeros vanish from the money and they believed I will be left with a 50 note. I just lost huge load of cash. No…They won’t take your 50K note and cut the zeros out… .00076 | 1320 – These address the trade worth of the Iraq dinar. .00076 is utilized by Forex to mirror the 1320 that is on the CBI site… [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] I keep hearing that $3.86 will be the most likely street pricing.I’m hoping it’s true. It won’t be known until we arrive.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :
[by means of WiserNow] … all things considered, we’re looking, areas of strength for extremely now. The sources we’ve conversed with are discussing this going by the eighteenth, which is Thursday…we know quadrillions of dollars have been moving around…So this is the time which is intense as far as we’re concerned … what’s more, be ready to set your arrangement to begin Thursday. That is by all accounts the case…the 18th…Is a date that has been settled on to have this beginning by.