Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 25 July 2024
Compiled Thurs. 25 July 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System Worldwide =
Mainstream Media Satellites Go Down =
Communications Blackout =
New Quantum System =
Military Law =
Freedom From Debt Chains of the Cabal
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
THE EBS – WHAT TO EXPECT: Rumors/Opinions
There will be (allegedly) a EBS message sent over phones, TV and radio around the Globe saying that in the next five hours or so, everyone needed to be home for a global lockdown that would last 10 to 12 days.
NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
At the end of the 12 days, they will give out an 800 number for individuals to call to obtain an appointment to set up your Quantum money account on the new Star Link Satellite System.
Global Currency Reset: Opinions/Rumors
Wed. 24 July 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: Happy Camper German Bond Holders were being processed in Europe. That fits in with what we are experiencing here! A friend of mine who lives in Germany is very close to what’s happening in Zurich! She told me two weeks ago that everything was being processed and settled, and I asked her how far along they were, how long it would take and she sent me pictures of a boat party which took place on a big lake so apparently she’s not allowed to talk about it, that was answer enough for me.
Tues. 23 July6 2024 Wolverine: The millions of people in the Precatorios Platform were made liquid on Tues. 23. Private contractors are also being paid. More have been called into Zurich. My Asian contact said that their platform starts on Wed. 24 July. I was told Mon. night, that a certain country in Asia was about to release on Tues. 23 July. China as well. A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released Tues. afternoon in Reno and payments on Wed. 24 July. Reno has liquid funds. They received instructions to pay on Wed. 24 July. On Thursday D-1-D-2 will be released. The platforms will receive their funds on Wed. 24 July, but they must wait for D1 and D2 to go live on Thursday. Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange. At this moment there is a start in Brazil, for the beneficiaries of this process.
Tues. 23 July 2024 Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could be notified at any time. Bond Holders have been told they will be notified on Wed. 24 July and get access to their monies on Thurs. 25 July.
Tues. 23 July 2024 MarkZ: Historic Bond paperwork – especially on the Asian Bonds – has been sent to the Hague. I’m hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck.”
Global Financial Crisis:
Wed. 24 July 2024 US Banks to begin reporting Russian assets for eventual forfeiture under new law.
On Wed. 24 July 2024 the Stock Market was Big Red Mad.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 The Iraqi dinar is the only currency in Iraq. Therefore that currency has to go up in value. It has to go up in value, it’s going International. How do you know it’s going international? Because Sudani…Alaq, the governor of the CBI said so. I’m not pulling things out of the air. I’m repeating to you what these great leaders are doing in their county…
Frank26 The direction that the monetary reform is going is in the direction to add value and introduce new lower denoms and to change the exchange rate and then to float. That’s the step we’re in. We’re not in a step where we need to pass laws. We’re not in a step where we need permission from anybody over there, over here, over there – United Nations Security Council, the Untied States Treasury, nobody. We’re at the point where Neil Armstrong is just about to put that right foot on the moon.
Iraq US Security Summit in Washington DC This Week
Edu Matrix: 7-25-2024
Iraq US Security Summit in Washington DC This Week
BRACE FOR IMPACT! It’s the total collapse of the US Dollar
Morris Invest: 7-24-2024