Parliamentary Legal Committee demands an official Iraqi position against the US Ambassador

Parliamentary Legal Committee demands an official Iraqi position against the US Ambassador

MP Raed Al-Maliki, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, Friday, to officially oppose the American ambassador and prevent her from interfering in Iraqi affairs.

“The US ambassador’s interference in legislative affairs and personal status law is unacceptable, and we informed the responsible authorities within the House of Representatives of the necessity of intervening and issuing a statement rejecting this interference,” Al-Maliki stated.

“Embassies and diplomatic missions received incorrect information about the proposed law and its content, as the proposal does not contain anything related to underage marriage or violations of women’s rights,” he went on to say.

He explained that “the United States is aware that the proposed law is based on Article 41 of the Constitution.”

He went on to say, “The Legal Committee is continuing to clarify matters related to the proposed law, and it is intended to hold seminars and meetings with international parties to convey the correct point of view and to explain the proposal’s content.”

The American minister remarked on the alteration to the Individual Status Regulation, dismissing this change, which incited the indignation of Iraqis, everything being equal.