Final stages of 1,000 MW solar project underway with Southern Electricity and TotalEnergies

Final stages of 1,000 MW solar project underway with Southern Electricity and TotalEnergies

On Friday, the Southern Power Creation Directorate of Iraq held a critical gathering with French energy goliath TotalEnergies to examine the last phases of adding 1,000 megawatts of sun oriented capacity to the public power lattice.

According to the media office of the Ministry of Electricity, the Director General of the Southern Electricity Production Company, Mahdi Saleh Mazkour, led a comprehensive meeting with TotalEnergies to finalize preparations for the construction of a 1,000 MW solar power plant in the Ertaoui area of the Basra governorate.

Mazkour emphasized “the critical role of solar energy in diversifying renewable energy sources” and “the importance of accelerating the project’s implementation.”

Mazkour referred to the fact that “this initiative is part of a broader strategy by the Ministry of Electricity to increase production capacity across the country while adhering to environmental standards and meeting the growing energy demand.”

The investment license for the solar power plant project with TotalEnergies was signed by National Investment Commission Chairman Haider Mohammed Makiya on June 30. Makiya made the observation at the signing ceremony that this project represents the first opportunity to invest in a solar power station as part of the government’s plan to diversify renewable energy sources. He emphasized that solar energy will be integrated into the national grid as part of the project.

TotalEnergies announced in April that contracts had been signed for the Ertaoui solar power plant’s connection networks and land. The undertaking incorporates building a 180-kilometer transmission line associated with Basra’s power circulation organization and introducing an optional conveyance station.

TotalEnergies expressed that the plant would be one of the biggest clean sun oriented energy offices in the Center East and North Africa, giving clean power to more than 350,000 homes.

The venture is supposed to be finished in four stages by 2025.