Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (10-1-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

Article: “Iraq presents date for abandoning currency auctions to US Treasury” On the day the rate changes, the auctions will end or be abandoned. Sunday morning will see a change in the rate. When the rate changes, the currency auctions will end. According to this article, the currency auctions will end by the end of the year. By the end of the year, they’re just making a broad statement to US officials, saying that the currency auctions will end by December 31, which means that the rate would have to change to allow the auctions to end.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Query “Are the new [Iraqi bank cards] based on the new exchange rate?” Indeed.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

Article: “International Finance: The Iraqi Central Bank is a model for creating policies that support the growth of the banking industry”

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Query: “Can you please share some details about why you stated that those in California will have to know what they are doing [when the time comes to exchange]?” Since your administration is incompetent there…They adhere to rules that lack rationality, let alone propriety.Yes, taxes in California are going to be exorbitant.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

If you do the math, remove the three zeros from the exchange rate for the currency’s nominal value. If the rate of exchange is $1 divided by 1310, you will get.0007643, or very close to it, which is significantly less than a penny. You have done a tremendous favor by eliminating the three zeros from the exchange rate. By removing three zeros from the exchange rate, you’ve added value to that currency. They can then add the Real Effective Exchange Rate based on non-oil revenue streams…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: A lot of useful information will be released shortly, but not yet about the rate. Mr. Sammy, a friend of mine who works as an Iraqi bank manager, continues to believe that the auctions will finish shortly after the year ends.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] I’m anticipating activity on the bond side, which will indicate to us how close we are.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Sadly, it exists everywhere. Protests are taking place in Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq. Those of us who have invested in the Iraqi dinar are definitely keeping an eye on what’s going on in Iraq because it may have an impact on the Iraqi dinar if we are unable to bring the situation under control. We’ll monitor it to see what happens…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Alaq says we’re going to strengthen the faith in the dinar…Recall Sudani’s words. At least twice, he cautioned the populace to use caution when handling their dinar. Keep it in place. It will have greater strength. Openly, the two major people, Iraq prime minister and Iraq Central Bank governor has assured the citizens…we’re going to deliver value.

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

Tensions are soaring in Iraq following the reported death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah…Thousands of angry Iraqi demonstrators converged on the US embassy in Baghdad, where they attempted to storm the compound, clashing with security forces armed in riot gear…Their fury has added to the growing unrest in Baghdad, where the situation has become increasingly volatile. In response to the escalating crisis, security measures have been significantly ramped up in the city’s fortified Green Zone, but protests continue to intensify as anger spreads. The situation remains fluid with heightened fears of further violence.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Remember how they said they wanted this monetary reform implemented at the start of the year? Regretfully, they weren’t prepared. Indeed, they are prepared today.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

The Central Bank of Iran has announced the success of its digital transformation plan. The CBI recently informed us that electronic banking is a crucial phase in the banking and currency reform process.Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I don’t think he’s suggesting complete success, just good success thus far. We were informed that 80% of residents should be employed. “The percentage increased from 20 percent a few years ago to 48.5 percent, clearly indicating the success of the digital transformation and electronic payment plan,” the statement reads.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] “KDP Mortgage census to apply Article 140 to return displaced Kurds” This is a huge development and one of our expectations…