Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (12-13-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Newspaper article: “Baghdad chosen as the Arab Tourism Capital for 2025” Translation: “The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced …the Arab Tourism Organization has chosen Baghdad as the capital of Arab tourism for the year 2025.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

The article states “Iraq is the second Arab country and the ninth in the world in terms of natural resources”

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Because of the current situation, where they are profiting only from government money theft, there are still some people who just do not want Iraq to advance.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] “What will make Iraq a top priority for Trump in the near future?” Trump wants to cooperate with Iraq in order to promote security and stability. Why does Trump want Iraq to be safe and secure, in your opinion? Haha! Is it a reassessment?

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Our connections with private banks both within and outside of Iraq have informed us that they are quite active. They all tell us that they are preparing for you [people of Iraq].

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[via Geothermal] If you reside in Idaho, you might want to have a look at this property. Idaho Central Credit Union, or ICCU, has 60 branches, some of which are located in Washington’s eastern region. You have to pay $10 to swap…They exchange foreign currencies from $1 to anything. [Guru Dinar] Note: The Iraqi dinar’s official CBI exchange rate remains unchanged. The official rate is always displayed in this page’s left column.]

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

No redemption centers exist. Absolutely none. Nobody is able to convince you that there is a redemption center.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Tishwash :

The article titled “Why will Iraq become one of Trump’s ‘priorities’ in the coming period? – Urgent” Translation: “Trump is planning major changes in the Middle East region, and therefore the region is entering a new phase, and Iraq will be at the forefront of these changes in terms of the security and economic reality.”

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

.I think remittance auctions will end on December 15th.You might not see any more dollar auctions after that.They are attempting to eradicate unlawful market smuggling. According to the article, “Advisor to the Prime Minister Saleh confirmed again…that tightening the control over suspicious financial transfers reduces manipulation of the exchange rate and the stability of the national currency…” Stopping these dollar auctions and the illicit commerce will have a huge impact. They are not straying from their goal.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Because they can no longer steal as easily as they once could, Parliament is furious right now. We refer to it as profiteering. What will politicians do if they are no longer able to profit from the currency, the exchange rate, the CBI, or the auctions? There are just two choices: get along or get lost. They have lost some, but most have chosen to get along. They’re just obstinate individuals.Politicians are quitting when they discover they have no more parliamentary authority.Goodbye, Sadr.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Two weeks ago, they informed us that the financial changes were 95% finished and that they should be finished in the next two weeks. Thus, this weekend may be rather eventful.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

We read a number of articles about this topic as the currency auctions draw to a close and the new international system is implemented at the end of the year. My CBI source claims that all of this is a part of a public education drive to support these impending changes to the currency auction mechanism.There are corrupt politicians who obviously do not want this shift in currency auctions to take place.However, it is time for Iraq to break free from the restrictions, which, incidentally, have been in place since December 2022.We know that Iraq needs to switch its currency in order to go forward, and part of that process includes revaluation.