These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Newshound Guru DinarDiva1 :
Ramadan that year lasted from March 17 to April 15, 1991, and Kuwait RV March 24 Consequently, they RV right in the thick of Ramadan.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
One member of the Singapore funding organization has been in San Francisco since Sunday. I in the end got an possibility to speak along with her for an extended quantity of time. She filled me in on some of the info…The Iraqis have demonstrated to be much less than attentive students. learning is going slowly with a number of the concepts being proof against the global methods and technical operations. She is getting these reviews directly from one of the consulting organization participants, but could now not say which one. could be Wyman or K2…this could take a touch time… recognise, a whole era has exceeded so the children have never regarded efficiency or the sense of urgency nor have they ever had purchasing strength for the worthless currency. it’s far a sad state of affairs to say the least. meanwhile, we wait.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] A handful of folks I know are in the higher echelons of organizations that just went to be there. They claim to be working hard, but they won’t specify what they’re working on.We keep hearing that Trump has made this his top priority. We hope that’s true and that we’re no longer “stuck.”
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
The oil has not yet been completed to flow into Turkey.Additionally, the residents’ salaries have not been paid.These things all require worth. At what rate can you afford to pay such salaries? When oil crosses international boundaries, what value will you assign to the exchange rate?
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
In my opinion, the combination of Trump and Sudani is unstoppable for your monetary reform. Now that Trump is there, I challenge them to attempt to halt this. Why am I saying this? Due to the fact that each side’s currency requires assistance from the other…The banking sector will benefit greatly from this mutually beneficial partnership. The American dollar and the Iraqi dinar are on the verge of becoming dominant.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to Mr. Sammy, the US Treasury and Federal Reserve commended Iraq.Sudani banks and the CBI on our current cash distribution system. It is said to be the world’s quickest. Why would 1310 require something that quick and sophisticated? FRANK: The cash distribution facility was created by the US Treasury.I think the new exchange rate will be released shortly.The purpose of this approach is to make it easier to distribute the upcoming lower notes. The organization of this monetary reform is excellent.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
The article: “Sistani’s office expects the beginning and end of Ramadan without completing the waiting period” Translation: “The office expected that the month of Ramadan would begin on Sunday, the second of March, and end on the 30th of the same month.”
According to Intel Guru Wolverine :
Hello everyone. Today, certain platforms were (supposedly) compensated. The Internet Group, or Tier 4b, should arrive shortly.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :
Newspaper article: “Justice publishes personal status laws, general amnesty and return of properties to their owners in the Official Gazette”
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
Newspaper article: “New US sanctions shake Iraqi banking sector, ban use of payment cards abroad” Lies!…Watch what you read. The article: “Al-Nusairi: No sanctions on Iraqi banks, and false reports cause panic” STARTING RIGHT AMID THE IRAQI MONETARY REFORM RECORD…You are fully aware of our tight relationship and that they will attempt to [disturb, conceal, or obscure the facts] when you are near.The fact that their government is a mirror copy of ours is no accident. That isn’t a coincidence.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :
[via WiserNow] On Tuesday, we had a 99.9% probability of receiving notification, but we didn’t.I believe that Wednesday and Thursday might be our busiest days.I could tell you this: the leader of the redemption center, with whom we periodically communicate when we can, was anticipating an email. When he received it, it stated, “Pending” and, “Be ready to enter at any time,” which referred to the redemption center as a leader. I’m thrilled. And what do you know? We could receive notification and begin the swap on Thursday.
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] In order to begin the new books, the old ones must be closed. The old books are closed when the historic bonds are closed. Bond facilitators informed me that fees are paid out in fiat currency first, followed by asset-backed payments for the bonds themselves.After that, I go to the bank with you.Considering how many bond contacts have checked in… Groups will probably begin checking in at any time. This should help us determine the exact time. [Post 2 of 2]
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] What became to the bond holders who received payment? Bonds were supposed to start it all, right? MarkZ: It is the facilitators, not the bond holders, who received the funds. We are extremely near when the bond holders receive their money. Positively, everything simply brightened up. I’ve heard from several bond holders that they anticipate receiving their payments late this week or early next week. Numerous sources from three distinct continents have contributed to this. I think it’s reasonable to predict that bond holders will soon have cash because it comes from so many different sources. According to what I understand, bond holders need to receive their entire amount. [Post 1 of 2…watch this space]