Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 6 March 2025
Compiled Thurs. 6 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Wed. 5 March 2025: GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET: THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED …Nesara Gesara on Telegram
Mon. 3 March 2025 – This is it: The world is shifting before our eyes.
Trump’s SOTU-style address is expected to change everything. NESARA/GESARA, the New Republic, the end of fiat, and the Global Currency Reset—all signs point to MAJOR announcements.
Bondholders are (allegedly) getting paid, confirmations are rolling in. Private sector transactions are (allegedly) 100% confirmed. Sources say Trump (allegedly) signed off on the RV days ago. The moment of activation is NOW.
Trigger groups are (allegedly) starting TODAY. Notifications could go out at ANY MOMENT. Spendable money is coming—stay alert. Paymasters and banks are on HIGH ALERT.
Redemption centers set to open for a month—THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Exchanges have (allegedly) been scheduled at major banks. High-level sources confirm financial realignments are IMMINENT.
March 3, 2025: US Inc. DISSOLVED. The Fiat monetary system is (allegedly) OVER. The privately-owned Federal Reserve and IRS are (allegedly) SHUTTING DOWN. BlackRock—the Cabal’s financial arm—is BANKRUPT.
All non-Basel III compliant banks WILL CLOSE. The era of free, manipulated money is OVER. Gold-backed currency is here.
NESARA/GESARA ACTIVATED. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is (allegedly) live, bringing the greatest wealth transfer in history. 134 nations are (allegedly) abandoning fiat dollars—gold-backed currencies are the new reality.
The new U.S. Republic(allegedly) begins its fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note. The Global Currency Reset is now a REALITY.
Wed. 5 March 2025 Quantum Financial System …QFS on Telegram
QFS Functions and Characteristics: (allegedly)
No fiat currency is legal in QFS. Banks are no longer in control. Banks are now obsolete!
QFS puts an end to corruption, and manipulation within the banking system and Central Banking system.
QFS is completely independent from existing centralized banking systems; makes all other transfer systems obsolete.
QFS is not crypto-currency. After REVAL (re-evaluation) all sovereign currencies will be asset-backed.
QFS activation ends “Central Banking System” that perpetuates what some refer to as “Debt Slavery.”
QFS is alive with controllable Artificial Intelligence that creates financial security and transparency.
A country’s sovereign currency will have the same value as another country’s sovereign currency.
Each QFS account throughout the world will be solely owned by the account holder, not owned by banks or governments.
QFS replaces SWIFT with new transparent CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System).
QFS runs on a new Photonic Computer – based on 24 GPS orbiting satellites (protected by the new U.S. Space Force). All funds are GPS traceable forever.
Alliance Plan
NESARA/GESARA Debt Forgiveness implementation
QFS implemented
Federal Reserve dead, IRS under new US Treasury
New tax system where there is only a 14% tax on new items bought only, no tax on food or medicine, wages, etc.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Sandy Ingram Changes are happening in Iraq. We can only hope this means an increase, even a small increase, in the value of the currency is on the agenda further down the road. We have reason to believe the value of the currency will automatically push up once the Development Road Project is in place…
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:It appears to us there was no auction on Monday. We don’t see anything on the television and the news like usual. We don’t see it… FRANK: We noticed that too that there were no auctions. I really don’t care…The auctions are no longer important to us but I’d like to see the flow of money, of cash money, I don’t know if this is Sudani’s way of continuing to hide information from Parliament. That’s the only reason I can come up with…
Gold/Silver Price Suppression Failing? | Andy Schectman
Liberty and finance: 3-5-2025
Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, discussed key developments in the precious metals market, particularly gold and silver.
He emphasized the increasing resilience of precious metals, noting the unusual rise in standing deliveries on COMEX, signaling significant interest from sophisticated traders, nation-states, and central banks.
Schectman highlighted the massive delivery of silver and gold, particularly noting the shift in bullion from major commercial banks to non-bullion entities, which may involve sovereign wealth funds.
He also discussed the growing uncertainty in global markets, with major investors like Warren Buffett holding substantial cash reserves and treasury bonds. Schectman warned of a potential shift in the financial landscape, urging viewers to pay attention to these developments as they signal a possible coming crisis in the precious metals markets.
0:00 Intro
1:46 Gold’s rebound
10:00 Insider stock selling
20:00 LBMA & COMEX
33:31 Silver vs gold