Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it’s Thursday, march 13th and you’re listening to the big call. thanks, everybody around the Globe, that’s sharing my three seconds after I say it in your own language or English, whichever you’re listening to. But we really appreciate the SAT team getting the word out. Let’s, let’s pray the call in

All right, let’s talk about where we stand in the whole thing. Do you realize Sue told me listen to Bruce’s Intel. She said it four times, and I thought, (chuckle chuckle) no pressure. No pressure. Ha Ha Ha 

Actually, you know, guys, I’ve told you, maybe not every time that I’ve done a segment, but I’ve told you that we I do the best to listen to and combine puzzle pieces and try to create timeline for us, usually, and that works pretty well. And then I let you know this is what I’m hearing.

It doesn’t mean everything is done or it’s going to happen or whatever tomorrow, but I’m very excited, because I can see these puzzle pieces coming together. Let me start off this way. I heard tonight, right before sunset, I was out on the deck with one of the kitty cats, and I heard that the admiralty law is dead.

Admiralty law, that’s the BAR British Admiralty Rule, admiralty law, what we’ve been under, is dead. And the other thing is the USA Corporation is dead. That’s gone. And with that, some of the other institutions that we have are in the process of decline and removal.

But we did hear that common law, which is the style of law and things are lawful, as opposed to legal. For the most part, common law is coming in over this weekend, and that means Saturday, Sunday, common law, that’s a part of NESARA, one of the pieces of NESARA

So we’re going to get little bits and pieces, like, for example, when we go do our exchanges, the USTN which is the United States Treasury note, physical currency of the United States, replacing the USD, a Fiat dollar, is already in the redemption centers, is in the banks and will be put out when we will get it when we go in for our exchanges.

So that aspect of the new USN, the new USTN, is about ready to be revealed. I don’t know how soon they’ll announce a gold backed currency in this in President Trump’s golden age that he says we’re in now we’re starting that’s a sign that we’re essentially going back on the gold reserve, or the sense is that we have a gold backed currency –

Now we know it as asset backed with one of the assets is gold, one of the assets is silver.  There are other precious metals, there are gems, there is oil, there is natural gas. There are other assets that the United States has that backs the value of our new USN digital dollar,

For example, the digital currencies, the crypto currencies, since we have a crypto reserve now with five crypto coins as part of it.

And note that is has been established as an asset class that is also backing up our USN dollar, the new US dollar, not Fiat backed which is Fiat base, which means nothing backs except the full faith and credit of the United States, where that’s gotten us. This got us in debt.

Now, what about this $36 trillion national debt? I don’t think it’s going to be paid back. It’s owed to the it’s owed by the USA Corporation. I think since the corporation is defunct and no longer, since we are a restored Republic, not a corporation based in Puerto Rico, I have a feeling that you’re gonna hear something that say that we’ve wiped out / cleaned up the national debt or whatever.

However, it said, I don’t think we I don’t think this, the country pays it back. We’ll see what happens. The Federal Reserve, the Fed, is dead. The IRS is being whacked seriously, and President Trump said something that one of the guys at lunch said today, taxes are going to be no longer. No longer if you make $175,000 or less, you pay income taxes.

Well, none of us are going to have to pay income taxes. Under NESARA, the income tax goes away. I think President Trump has just given us a hint on what’s going to be happening.

He hasn’t said, you know, now other people have come on certain new shows, like on Newsmax, and explained a consumption tax. That’s exactly what is going to be in NESARA, a 15% consumption tax. Some call it fair tax. Consumption tax, it’s only payable on new items that you buy, but your income is not going to be taxed.

And it’s that’s going to be incredible when we finally get that, and I hope we get that before April 15, tax day. I’ve heard that we will, but I’m telling you, if it does come out, it should come out either over this week or next week. I believe it’ll come out this month if that happens.

I can’t tell you guys exactly where the DOGE checks are and the DOGE direct deposits, but I was told from one of our people in the know about it, that checks went out, those checks and went out, and I believe they went out on Sunday night and Monday morning. They say some have received some checks in the amount of over 7000 or between seven and $8,000 and this, it’s hard to say that this is a DOGE check or  not because there are retirement benefits from pension funds that have also paid out, and that’s been in the news for about the last four or five weeks, but some people have received it.

I don’t know whether it’s been from a pention fund, you know, or whether it’s something like a dose check. So just keep an eye on your your emails, and I to see if anything comes in your account.

Social Security increase has not happened on the first or second Wednesday, and I don’t know exactly when that’s going to happen, but maybe they’ll pay everybody the regular amount of Social Security, then that last few days of this month, they may put the additional payment in.

You know, guys, we’ve been told about Social Security, the R and R and all these things for months now, and we haven’t seen anything now the r and r to be fair – is going to come out for those currencies to exchange and zim to redeem.

Ours is going to be at the redemption center, okay? So that will not be a direct deposit, as I understand it, into an account where we normally receive our social security.

So R&R at the redemption center. Okay? Now, if you’re not exchanging currencies, you don’t have currencies, and you’re just concerned about the R and R, I’m sure they’ll direct deposit it –  In most cases, they’ll do a direct deposit  and let us  know about it. Somehow  – we’ll know about it.

 Let’s talk about one other thing before we get into where we are right now in the Intel, because the I’ve got to get my thought right here on this. Guys, hold on one sec.

There have been people that have seen things online about redemption centers. Ai, is it safe? Blah, blah, blah.

Now there are certain people that even are doing calls that are putting out incorrect information to dissuade listeners from using the redemption centers in favor of the banks. I’m just going to say it that way. I know a lot more about it, but I don’t feel like I want to put that out on the call tonight. I’m going to be nice.

 And this is not good, because, you know, the redemption centers have a higher rate on way higher on dinar with a contract rate that the banks don’t even think about having, and they have to zim, and you can’t take zim to any willy nilly bank. They’re not in a position to to redeem it.

Now the dong I’ve understood just this last week will have a rate that will be the same at the redemption center as it is at the bank. I have heard that it’s not going to make me go the bank though. I’m going to go to the redemption center get it all done at the same time.

I would recommend that for you, for all of you, there are other benefits that you’ll have at the redemption center that you wouldn’t have at the banks anyway, plus the amount that you have with all your currencies and with your Zim is requiring a quantum account.

And remember, the quantum account is where the money is stored, basically under the US Treasury. And then you move funds that only you can see this account only you are supposed to know how much is in it – and then you can move funds from your quantum account into your primary or secondary Wells Fargo account, or other bank account as you set them up on your quantum card,

You need – just review it very quickly – Username, first, you need a biometric fingerprint or thumb. There’s six things that make this thing up, biometric fingerprint or thumbprint, username and password for the quantum account, a five digit PIN code, a new email and a password to get onto your email.

 Those are the six things that you come up with to activate your quantum account. Okay, so let’s get that let’s get that started, and that’ll be very important, and I believe,  under pretty good authority that the admirals funds –  coming from the admirals group, groups will be put into a quantum account, and then people in the admirals group will go a redemption center to activate their quantum account, just like we’re going to do for our exchanges. And they’ll move money into their bank account like Wells Fargo – from the quantum account. Okay, so that’s something that’s that I think they’re going to be looking forward to.

I think some of the people in the Admirals groups are having are getting a lot of money from the currencies that they put up years ago. I mean, many of them, eight, 9, 10, years ago, that it’s too much to pop into a regular bank account. That’s why, I think and what I’ve been told is they would be deposited into a quantum account and then notified about that, just like we will

Alright. Now, let’s talk about bondholders. I’ve heard that we’re going to be on what I call a modified shotgun start.

That means that we will have bondholders getting notified that they have funds in their bondholders accounts, and that they will have access to it on such and such a date. They’ll get an email to tell them when they are to access those funds. When can they get good money?

Now, as of yesterday, at four o’clock pm in the afternoon Bond holders have been flying in to Reno Sparks, Reno Sparks airports and Miami International Airport to get with their bond pay masters there, or the leaders of whoever’s handling the bonds for them at Reno and at Miami, both Wells Fargo   

Now they’ve been doing that. Yesterday, they started taking more traffic in, flying in. I don’t have a count on how many jets are coming in per hour, take offs and landings. I don’t have that count today, but they’re supposed to be funding Bond holders accounts, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Five days. Tuesday, the 11th, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Bond holders  are being funded now that may take care of them, that should take care of everybody that’s a bond holder, and it should be, well, that’s, that’s what I’m saying.

Now, how does that tie into us? Bond holders receive notification of access, accessibility to their funds in their accounts  when we get our notifications to set our appointments to exchange currency and redeem zim.

 This is what I’m hearing. This is the crux of the matter what we’ve heard is that we could be notified, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, we can write today off I think. And that brings Friday into play because redemption center leaders, I’ve heard from two of them so far, redemption center leaders are going into the redemption Center at 930 in the morning on Saturday, and one of the two told us that they would be doing exchanges starting at 930 in the morning on Saturday,  the 15th two days from now,

Now for that to occur, we believe we’re going to be notified sometime tomorrow, and another source has told us that we would get notifications either after banks close or after the markets close, which I think is more likely tomorrow. Well, the markets close at four o’clock Eastern time. New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, those two, they shut down at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

 Now, could we get it before then? Yeah, I think it’s possible we’d get notified before then. Could it be after four? After five? Yes, it could be. And this is what I’m hearing. So I’m going to tell you that is looking good. It looks good for us to get notified, let’s say tomorrow afternoon, and set our appointments for exchanges to begin on Saturday.

They’ll go right through the weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So on, they’ll go right through go for at least 14 days in most areas, some areas that don’t have many zim  holders or they don’t have that many currency holders and I know some of these areas are going to be lucky to go seven or eight days maybe nine days.  

And this is a really good time to set your appointment and do an exchange, even if you’re out of town or on vacation or in the hospital, just make sure you set your appointment for when you expect to be out  -and you should be you should be covered on that  —  some areas, based on demographics, will stay open longer than 14 days, But that’s an approximate average of how long the redemption centers will be open.

All right, so you know the timing mechanism of this, the rough timeline, is looking like we’re really getting down to the wire on this, and that means it’s really getting down to the wire                                                                 

The money is going to be great. We’re going to be able to do a lot of things. For a lot of people really looking forward to that. But for my life, I’m looking forward to seeing again, seeing color again, and see and doing, doing tennis with Sue and other people, and playing golf with Bob, and going snow skiing and everything to do. And more and maybe better than I used to, I hope so. That’s, that’s the interesting thing.

We did have a special dispensation to find out a little bit more about that. I’ll tell you the med beds after the first exchange is done, using the 800 numbers at the redemption center after the first one is done, which I’m going to suggest would be on the east coast because of the time zones, med beds all across the country will be activated for use.

Now we expect to have the numbers to put on the website, big call, you should register for it, because we’re going to keep in touch with you after there are no money law, no more live big calls. After this goes, we may have a celebration call the right way between Thursday night and five days till next Tuesday night. So chances are that we would record a celebration call.

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