A leader in Hasm reveals political pressures for Al-Issawi to withdraw in favor of Al-Mashhadani

A leader in Hasm reveals political pressures for Al-Issawi to withdraw in favor of Al-Mashhadani

The head of the Hasm alliance, Dhari al-Dulaimi, uncovered on Sunday that there were pressures from political powers to compel MP Salem al-Issawi to pull out from the opposition for the place of Speaker of Parliament for MP Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, focusing on that al-Issawi actually dismisses those tensions.

“Some political blocs from different directions are currently exerting pressure on MP Salem Al-Issawi to give up his candidacy for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives in favor of MP Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani,” Al-Dulaimi stated in a statement to the public.

“These pressures have not succeeded so far,” he continued, “and Al-Issawi is still determined to continue competing without succumbing to these pressures.”

In a television interview that was followed by / Al-Maalouma /, the former Speaker of Parliament, Salim al-Jabouri, confirmed that there is a fear that the pressure for Salem al-Issawi to withdraw will be followed by pressure for Mahmoud al-Mashhadani to withdraw in order to empty the list of candidates and go to present a new name. This is because Mahmoud al-Mashhadani is under pressure to withdraw.