Uday Ibrahim, the framework’s leader, confirmed on Tuesday that the United States had used the dollar to extort money from Iraq five times in three years.
In an interview, Ibrahim stated: Reality that all nations of the world, no matter what, acknowledge is that the dollar has turned into a method for shakedown by the White House, and Iraq is one of the nations that has been exposed to this way multiple times in 3 years.”
That’s what he added “selling the public economy and making it connected to the dollar conveys with it gambles with that undermine the country’s public safety notwithstanding its monetary repercussions,” calling attention to that “the public authority has really started to broaden the container of monetary standards and try to diminish dollarization in the business sectors as far as possible the job of the dollar.”
He said, “After being used as a means of pressure and inciting crises in various forms,” the dollar currency “is no longer reliable.”
He brought up that “America gave nothing to the public economy. Running against the norm, it contributed, by coming down on the banks under bogus guises, to make the equal market.”
It is noteworthy that the United States has purposefully reduced the dollar’s access to Iraqi markets in a variety of ways over the past few months, resulting in high exchange rates in parallel markets.