A leader in the framework: The trial of “Al-Kadhimi” is very close.. 10 files incriminating him so far

A leader in the framework: The trial of “Al-Kadhimi” is very close.. 10 files incriminating him so far

The leader of the coordination framework, Turki Al-Utbi, announced today that the trial of former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi is imminent.

During an interview, Al-Utbi stated that the investigation committees are still actively performing their duties concerning the transgressions and violations committed by the former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s government. He further added that these committees have made significant progress in uncovering evidence that confirms the existence of blatant violations in the management of public funds and the presence of considerable corruption suspicions.

According to the speaker, there are currently ten files that condemn Al-Kadhimi and his government. He also mentioned that an order to bring Al-Kadhimi to trial is imminent. However, the decision ultimately lies with the Iraqi judiciary, which is responsible for reviewing the case before making a final judgment.

During a recent briefing, he highlighted that the corruption within Al-Kadhimi’s government is significant, and certain members are currently under investigation. He emphasized that resolving these investigations will take some time, but all indications suggest that crucial files will be uncovered soon.

The Iraqi judiciary has issued memos to investigate financial and administrative corruption involving advisors and assistants of former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.