A new directive to launch a new round of soft loans for job seekers

A new directive to launch a new round of soft loans for job seekers

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced on Tuesday that the 42nd round of soft loans for job seekers registered in the ministry’s database had been launched.

“Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi directed the launch of the 42nd round of soft loans granted to the category of job seekers registered in the Ministry’s database,” the Ministry stated in a statement received by the newspaper.

She continued, “The number of those included reached 2,859, distributed between Baghdad and the labor departments in the governorates, according to population percentages, poverty rates, and percentages of registered job seekers.” According to electronic sorting, the number of job seekers reached 2,143 borrowers, and the number of beneficiaries from the protection network was 716 beneficiaries, based on the 25% percentage that It was approved by the Board of Directors based on the Council of Ministers’ decision.