A representative reveals a movement to change a paragraph in the election law that prohibits the exploitation of public money

A representative reveals a movement to change a paragraph in the election law that prohibits the exploitation of public money

On Thursday, Delegate Salem Ibrahim uncovered a development to change a section in the political decision regulation that forbids the double-dealing of public assets.

Ibrahim said in a meeting with , “Discretionary cycles are the action through which any negatives in the constituent regulation can be checked, which give signs of the chance of changing a portion of passages in a manner prompts expanded ways to console the road and push it to more extensive cooperation while guaranteeing straightforwardness in managing the desire of individuals.” ” electors”

He added, “The work to set an earlier and clear condition for any named leader official to give up his obligations some time before the races is held is on the table and upheld by a few political powers. It comes to forestall the abuse of public cash and chief situations to acquire votes. The likelihood of providing equal opportunities to all candidates will increase as a result of this issue.”

He called attention to that “settling this section comes to fortify majority rule ways and eliminate government divisions and organizations from the extent of promulgation by putting their administrations in winning votes.”

It is noteworthy that Iraq is preparing for parliamentary elections in 2025, with expectations that the various political forces will face intense competition.