Al-Barti: The political document included passing the oil and gas law, and the movement is going in this direction

Al-Barti: The political document included passing the oil and gas law, and the movement is going in this direction

The representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sherif Suleiman, has confirmed that the political movement is progressing towards passing the oil and gas law soon. He mentioned that the political document had prioritized the oil and gas law, among other laws, to ensure a fair distribution of wealth among the governorates.

According to Suleiman, the oil and gas law is crucial to state administration. However, it has been delayed for several years due to a lack of agreement and consensus among various political parties and forces.

During a recent statement, he stated that the oil and gas law will be enacted in the near future. This may take place during the next legislative term of Parliament, as the political document has stressed the significance of passing this law and has placed it among the top priorities.

According to him, the government is planning to pass the aforementioned law in the Parliament. However, it won’t be an easy process and will require a lot of time and discussions within the corridors of Parliament before it can be voted upon.