Al-Fatah calls on the government to limit the role of the new American ambassador to Iraq

Al-Fatah calls on the government to limit the role of the new American ambassador to Iraq

Ayed Al-Hilali, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, stressed today, Saturday, that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry must respond to the new American ambassador’s statements regarding Iraqi internal affairs, stressing that the Iraqi government should limit the ambassador’s role and refrain from interfering with the country’s internal affairs.

Al-Hilali issued a statement to the effect that “the new ambassador’s statements will not affect the government’s confidence in the Iraqi security forces, especially the popular crowd” and that “the former American ambassador, Elena Romanski, interfered a lot in internal Iraqi affairs, and therefore the role of the new ambassador must be limited to prevent the violations from recurring.”

He proceeded, “The festivals that the Iraqi road is seeing on the event of the commemoration of the fatwa of equipped jihad and the establishing of the Well known Preparation Powers, within the sight of the Sudanese Head of the state, is decisive proof of the public authority’s dismissal of the assertions of the new representative,” approaching “the Iraqi Unfamiliar Service to address the American specialists and decline impedance in inside undertakings.”

Tracy Jacobson, US President Joe Biden’s chosen one for the place of US Minister to Iraq, gave her initial discourse before the Senate Board of trustees on Unfamiliar Relations, focusing on her obligation to safeguarding American interests.