Al-Fatlawi: America will not risk trying to impose sanctions on Iraq

Al-Fatlawi: America will not risk trying to impose sanctions on Iraq

Ali Al-Fatlawi, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, has confirmed that Washington is currently benefiting from the Iraqi funds deposited in its Federal Bank, primarily from oil revenues. Due to this, the United States will not risk imposing any sanctions on Iraq as it will lose control over these funds.

According to Al-Fatlawi, there is a mistake and fear among some parties about America’s withdrawal from Iraq and the imposition of sanctions on the country as a result of this withdrawal. However, he believes that the reality of the matter is entirely different.

“He said, ‘The United States does not want to lose Iraq. The country benefits from the energy represented by Iraqi oil, which it controls. This allows the US to impose economic authority on Baghdad since all oil revenues go to the Federal Bank.’ “

He stated that America is currently benefiting from the funds it has in Iraq, and therefore, it may not resort to imposing sanctions in response to what is happening to it in Iraq. On the contrary, due to the pressure it faces and the operations carried out by the resistance against its forces inside Iraq, it may withdraw.