Al-Kubaisi: The governorate’s treasury is empty and the debt has reached 200 billion dinars

Al-Kubaisi: The governorate's treasury is empty and the debt has reached 200 billion dinars

Anbar Commonplace Committee part Adnan Al-Kubaisi announced today, Sunday, that the region’s depository is unfilled and its obligations have surpassed 200 billion dinars.

Al-Kubaisi told that “Anbar’s spending plan diminished from around 500 billion dinars to 75 billion dinars considering the monetary obligation in the region’s depository that arrived at 210 billion dinars dispensed to speculation organizations chipping away at the recreation and restoration of framework harmed by fear monger tasks.”

That’s what he added “there are assumptions that many undertakings will be stopped because of absence of monetary liquidity,” showing that “the ongoing spending plan isn’t sufficient to modify and restore 40 tasks harmed by psychological militant activities.”

He proceeded, “The surprising and badly considered decline in Anbar’s spending plan will prompt the suspension of recreation tasks endlessly.”