Al-Moussawi calls for filing a lawsuit against Türkiye before the UN Security Council

Al-Moussawi calls for filing a lawsuit against Türkiye before the UN Security Council

Today, Saturday, the agent of the Sadiqoun parliamentary coalition, Zainab Al-Moussawi, blamed Türkiye for committing infringement of Iraqi sway.

Al-Moussawi brought in a proclamation to document a claim against Turkey before the Security Gathering because of the infringement of public power.

Al-Moussawi said, “Defying these assaults requires legislative activity in global discussions to record a claim against Turkey, which disregarded Iraqi sway.”

She added, “Turkey has abused every single worldwide show and has not regarded the standards of good amiability.”

“Turkey’s intentions are one-sided and antagonistic,” she said.

Turkey has entered profound into Iraqi region in the Duhok Governorate, and is besieging Iraqi towns practically day to day under the appearance of seeking after the Kurdistan Laborers’ Party, which goes against its strategies.