Al-Sudani’s advisor: The government’s internal debt decreased by two trillion dinars

Al-Sudani's advisor: The government's internal debt decreased by two trillion dinars

The State head’s Counselor for Financial Undertakings, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, expressed that the public authority’s inner obligation has diminished by two trillion Iraqi dinars.

Mazhar Muhammad Salih said, “Iraq isn’t among the nations with outside obligation right now,” demonstrating that “the outer public obligation is under 10 billion bucks, and this will be paid throughout time among now and 2028.”

He made sense of that “there are portions in the general financial plan to take care of obligations, and this has consistently kept Iraq in a FICO score and reliability at level B, which is steady similar to numerous nations like Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan and others.”

“This debt has decreased because Iraq has not borrowed and its external loans are few compared to its many repayments, especially during the past ten years on a regular basis,” Mazhar Muhammad Salih stated.