{Automation}.. A new procedure to monitor the operation of generators

{Automation}.. A new procedure to monitor the operation of generators

Baghdad Provincial Council is reading the advent of an automation device within the operation of personal and authorities mills, at the same time as 733 violations were recorded within 40 days.

the top of the Oil and power Committee in the Council, Safaa Al-Mashhadani, told dinaropinions.com: The Council has set a unified rate for authorities and private generators in Baghdad at some point of the months of October and November, that’s 12 thousand dinars for the golden line, eight thousand dinars for the day line, and six thousand dinars for the night line, calling on all contractors to adhere to this fee.

Al-Mashhadani urged residents to publish their complaints to the neighborhood electricity committee, municipal and neighborhood councils, and administrative devices with a purpose to keep violators accountable.

He defined that the committee recorded 733 violations when you consider that last October till now, as there are commercial regions wherein the charge of an ampere reaches 15 thousand dinars, noting that the committee fined many violators sums of cash ranging between 10 and 15 million dinars, similarly to taking a written pledge from them no longer to copy this, in addition to working to withdraw the generator while violations are repeated.

He pointed out that the committee is reading, in coordination with the Council’s e-governance committee, the introduction of an (automation) device into the paintings of all private and governmental turbines with the aid of developing an electronic application in which statistics approximately any generator is stored, whether the pricing or the variety of subscribers, similarly to running close to electronic collection via this utility underneath a gadget that will be initiated as soon as the vital approvals are received from the relevant government.

Al-Mashhadani defined that enforcing the gadget will eliminate all favoritism and nepotism in the work of turbines, in addition to avoid any collusion through officials of administrative units or neighborhood strength departments with contractors, due to the fact the dealings might be digital and can’t be interfered with through any party.