Baghdad sends 615 billion dinars to Iraqi Kurdistan to pay employees’ salaries

Baghdad sends 615 billion dinars to Iraqi Kurdistan to pay employees’ salaries

A government source reported on Sunday that the federal government in Baghdad sent 615 billion dinars to secure employees’ salaries in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

According to a source, during its Sunday session, the Iraqi cabinet decided to send approximately $2 billion (615 billion dinars) to secure employees’ salaries in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The President of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Nechervan Barzani, held discussions with officials in Baghdad regarding the budget and salaries of employees in Iraqi Kurdistan.

On Sunday, the Baghdad government allocated a portion of the region’s budget.

In honor of the 2003 killing of Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, a prominent Iraqi Shia Islamic scholar and the head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Barzani traveled to the capital city of Baghdad on Saturday.

The President of the Kurdistan region of Iraq called on political forces and parties to resolve the salary issue and the region’s share of the federal budget.

Barzani emphasized that the dire living conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan are a result of unresolved issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

The Iraq budget law, passed by the Iraqi Parliament earlier in 2023, mandates that the Kurdistan region of Iraq is required to surrender its revenues to the state. In return, the federal Ministry of Finance is committed to paying Iraqi Kurdistan’s monthly dues.

There are problems with the wages of employees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) since the agreement between the federal government and the area has yet to be completely executed.

The two parties failed to reach an agreement due to the difference in oil production costs between companies in Iraqi Kurdistan and those in other governorates of Iraq.

vThe 2023-2025 federal general budget law has set the cost of producing and transporting each barrel of oil at $6.9. However, according to data from the Ministry of Natural Resources in the KRG, the cost of oil production in Iraqi Kurdistan is $32.91.