“Bits and Pieces” In Dinarland Friday AM 11-29-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 Nov. 2024

Compiled Fri. 29 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’m under an NDA so can’t say much, but we are going to have a wonderful Christmas. Check your emails at hourly.”

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 TNT Call:

We got a call from the committee guy. He said the IMF and UN just had a meeting and I was told to call and tell you the currencies that have been green lighted to go are the Iraqi Dinar, Zim, Venezuela Bolivar, Dong and Zimbabwe Zim.

The rest of the 4-5 countries currencies are being renegotiated.

Janet Yellen is gone. She resigned this past Sun. morning.

They are all afraid of the new administration.

They are supposed to vote on Friday in Parliament.

They were told it’s imminent. Be ready. No time set. They are on call right now.

Dinar $4.21, VND $2.47, Bolivar $.83, Zim $.30

A guy said a bank memo said to get your people ready for Friday after 2 pm, or the weekend.

So enjoy your holiday and get ready at a moment’s notice to get to the banks.


Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024 Jon Dowling: “Wells Fargo is ready to go with the QFS and the US Debt Clock is Gold! 62,000 wealth managers nationwide ready to go! Get your affairs in order. Early Christmas thus year! Iraq finishing all the important laws this week.”

Thurs. 28 Nov. 2024: Russia and Iran have completely abandoned the US dollar in bilateral trade, shifting entirely to national currencies. “We have entered into a currency agreement with Russia and abandoned the dollar. Now we only trade in rubles and rials.”


Judy Note:

The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is dismantling the power structures that have enslaved humanity for centuries. With the full deployment of military operations and the quantum infrastructure of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Cabal’s grip on wealth and power is crumbling daily.

Possible Timing: Wed. 7 Nov. 2024: GESARA: The Largest Wealth Transfer in History – Secret Military Operations, Strikes, and Redemption Centers That Have Already Changed the World – Gazetteller

As of November 27, 2024, the world finds itself amid the greatest shift in modern history. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is no longer a whisper among the informed; it is a seismic wave dismantling the power structures that have enslaved humanity for centuries.

With the full deployment of military operations and the quantum infrastructure of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Cabal’s grip on wealth and power is crumbling daily.

GESARA’s Historic Wealth Transfer: November Updates November 15–20, 2024: The Foundation is Laid

Asset Seizures Intensify: Global military coalitions launched synchronized raids  in Switzerland, Singapore, and the Caribbean, seizing over $12 trillion in hidden accounts. These funds, tied to human trafficking rings and illigal arms trades, are being funneled into GESARA projects, including debt forgiveness, infrastructure rebuilding, and clean energy programs.

Silent Wealth Disbursements Begin: In Brazil, India, and parts of Africa, locals began reporting sudden cancellations of long-standing debts without explanation. By November 20, an estimated 2.7 million individuals in these regions had their financial burdens lifted, a direct result of GESARA’s redistribution process.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/11/29/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-november-29-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat  …The news from Iraq is all still very good. There is so much progress. The BIG event of course, will be the ending of the current currency auction process and use of the new system already to implement. The CBI has told us that nearly 95% of the current payments needed for imports is covered by the four (4) correspondent banks for this purpose… remember that the clock is ticking and other outside banking relationships must take place but will most probably never take place unless the IQD is valuable again and most importantly on these terms it must also be reinstated back on FOREX for investors to “legally” use this currency in their portfolios of investments for their clients. This is the key. Yes, this is really just where we are right now…

Militia Man  They’re talking about “financial risks”.  They weren’t talking in that way when they were moving forward into an international world with the 1310.  They’re talking about preparedness for a change…They’re focusing in on their banking sector.  Article quote “These days there’s growing interest in the banking sector in general both government and private sectors…”  The banking sector is looking to be in good shape for this new stage.  That’s what they’re presenting…

Sudani in Spain… economic talk

Nader:  11-28-2024


Vietnam Dong Exchange Rate Economic Forecast Foreign Investors

Edu Matrix:  11-29-2024

Vietnam Dong Exchange Rate Economic Forecast #vnd Foreign investors are showing strong interest in southern Vietnam, focusing on cities like Dong Nai, Binh Duong, HCM City, and Long An.

The video shares the USD / VND Exchange Rate and explains why the VND keeps fluctuating against the US dollar.

High levels of foreign investments will decrease Vietnam’s unemployment rate, which could quickly help the VND value increase—the video shares major foreign investments in Southern Vietnam in the coming year.
