“Bits and Pieces” in Dinarland Sunday AM 12-22-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 22 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sun. 22 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Sat. 21 Dec. 2024 TNT Tony: Banks down to the branch level, received a memo saying they were going to be exchanging new currencies, as early as 5:00 today Sat. 21 2024, or this weekend. In Iraq, multiple contractors were paid at a rate of $3.91. Citizens were told that a 10,000 dinar note would now be worth 10 dinars. All T4B must be finished exchanging by December 31, with no exchanges on Christmas Day. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/rayren98/2024/12/20/tntsuperfantastic-conference-call–friday-december-20-2024

Fri. 20 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “The platforms are closing down right now. The platforms are all loaded with money. It looks like we are crossing the finish line. Have a beautiful, beautiful day. It’s all coming before Christmas.”

Thurs. 19 Dec. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call: All day Fri., Sat, Sun, Mon and Tues until noon, Redemption Center Staff are scheduled to work. They have Christmas off and go back to work the day after Christmas. In the first ten days of Jan. 2025 R&R, increase of SS, NESARA, GESARA kicks in.


Long Term Structured Zim Payout System for Humanitarian Projects: QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar – Redemption Rate = The Amount Paid For Each Zim Dollar…Julian Assange on Telegram

ALERT: The Quantum Financial Revolution is Here! The Structured Payout System stands as the cornerstone of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), offering a transformative approach to managing redemption funds. This intricate system ensures secure, long-term cash flow for humanitarian projects while dismantling the control of traditional banking systems. The Redemption Rate determines the value of your Zim Dollar bonds during the appointment, activating Digital Gold Certificates in the QFS. This process guarantees that your funds are protected and utilized for humanitarian efforts over a term of your choosing, whether 10, 25, 50, 100 years, or beyond, as approved during your Redemption Appointment.

At the heart of this system lies the distinction between the Primary Principal, which calculates the redemption’s total value, and the Secondary Principal, which is the actual amount deposited in your QFS account. Payments are structured as a percentage of the Primary Principal—typically 10% annually—providing consistent funds for your projects. Immediate access to these funds, without waiting periods or external restrictions, ensures flexibility and control. Administered by the Alliance, these funds are safeguarded, securing your financial future against manipulation.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is nothing short of a revolution. Built to overthrow the cabal’s stranglehold on global finance, it leverages quantum computing and artificial intelligence to create a decentralized, asset-backed economy. Unlike traditional systems that rely on fiat currencies and central bank policies, the QFS operates on tangible assets like gold, platinum, and oil. Real-time fraud detection powered by quantum technology ensures transparency and security, enabling swift action against any attempted manipulation. This shift represents a new era of financial freedom, where individuals and nations regain control over their financial destinies.

As the world transitions to the QFS, the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and the integration of NESARA, XRP, and Stellar signal the dawn of a stable, value-driven economy. The Structured Payout System aligns with this transformation, allowing Sovereigns to secure their futures and plan for long-term humanitarian impact.

The Med Bed technologies further expand the possibilities, making it imperative to choose structured terms wisely, potentially extending beyond 100 years for those dedicated to rebuilding a better world.

The Cabal and their banking puppets are losing their grip as the QFS rises to redefine global finance. This monumental shift empowers humanity, ensuring that financial resources serve the people rather than being tools of oppression. The Structured Payout System and the QFS are instruments of liberation, giving Sovereigns the ability to plan, budget, and execute projects that will shape the next century.

Now is the time to embrace this transformation, setting aside disinformation and focusing on the truths provided by the Alliance. Humanitarians, the future is bright, and the tools for change are within your grasp.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/12/22/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-22-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat  …we are almost there… According to my CBI contact the new elected US administration is now working with Iraq and has contacted Iraq and so this is also VERY GOOD news at this time. We must be patient and let the process play out… The process does not change only some events along the way to get there in Dr Shabibi’s plan to reinstate…there is one more step to the de-dollarization process and that is to get off the sole de facto peg to the US dollar. This step must take place and soon, VERY SOON! There is no longer a need for it…It’s time to bring the Iraqi dinar to the forefront.

Militia Man  The writing is on the wall, Iraq’s going to the private sector and we have to see where the pipeline’s going to get started again, the oil, salary is going to get localized, they’re going to need an exchange rate to take  care of all those things, all those contracts, they’re going to need a valuation of the country’s true effective exchange rate...We’re seeing it all right now in real-time.  Will it happen in the next few days?  Not sure but we’re sure looking at some  powerful information that we haven’t seen before.  

Ten Currencies We Are Watching Updates & Exchange Rates

Edu Matrix:  12-22-2024

Ten Currencies We Are Watching Updates & Exchange Rates -In this video from the Edu Matrix channel, we dive into the latest exchange rates and currencies to watch as of December 20th.

Discover how the Vietnamese Dong (VND), Haitian Gourde (HTG), Iraqi Dinar (IQD), and Argentine Peso (ARS) are performing against the USD.

We’ll also highlight the Brazilian Real (BRL), Colombian Peso (COP), and the rising prices of gold, along with Bitcoin’s recent volatility. Learn about Turkey’s fluctuating Lira (TRY) and the challenges surrounding the BRICS currency plans.



Economy101:  12-22-2024
