Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-1-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-1-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It’s Thursday, February 1, and we’re breaking into a whole new era on the big call. Thanks for listening everybody tonight. I know on Tuesday’s call two nights ago we had we were in 198 countries – that’s a little over 18.4 million listeners. So we’re still getting the word out. Thank you sat team satellite team – thank you Sat team for getting the call out there like you’re doing to so many countries. We appreciate that. And we refer to everybody out there as big call universe – So thank you big call universe for tuning in. We are going to have good call tonight.

Bob brings to us in a way of research and studies, different things that have benefited us. Thank you, Bob. Appreciate that very much.

So, let’s, let’s take this thing deeper on our intel.

We’ve – The reason I made that comment earlier in the call about sometimes I feel like we’re in Groundhog Day, the movie – because of the repetitive nature of it. And the fact that are we really progressing forward. You know, sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. I know that.

Sometimes I know things that are happening behind the scenes that are of a certain aspect I’m not even allowed to bring on the call. I’ve been told kind of what I can share and what I can’t – and I see things a little bit differently than everybody in big call universe that’s just listening to the call. I try to bring things that are meaningful to you that indicate that things are happening, even though we haven’t received any numbers yet. Alright so here’s the thing.

Today is termed National Freedom Day.  And I think it was called that – and this was coming from one of our SpecOps – the military people – why is it considered national freedom day because this day today through the seventh is when we’re supposed to have our NESARA and GESARA initiated, and even those terms, even though the NESAR is for the United States and GESARA is for the rest of the world they’re using the term financial freedom for the terms financial freedom to sort of rename the  NESARA and GESARA? And that has really started as of today, and we should see some action on what we knew as NESARA financial freedoms between today and next Wednesday – if my math is right, that would be the seventh.  

So here’s the thing.

R & R that Jeanie was referencing – what I call restitution will reclamation allowance, thi is getting paid the money that was traded on your birth certificate – on your marriage license – on your divorce decree if you add one, even on death certificates, as those documents have been traded like bonds on us without our knowledge and without our benefit. Well we’re about to get the benefit of that as part of our R & R – why don’t we say R & R -because it’s easier to remember that restitution and reclamation allowance.

But we’re getting that this week and I say this week in terms of starting today through next Wednesday that sensitively, seven days first.

Now, let’s see how much of this comes in. Because we’re supposed to get that we’re also supposed to see an increase in Social Security for those are taking it now, this month, for the month of February.

Well, we’ve said that in December, we said in January and did not get the increase. We got a COLA increase cost of living allowance increase I guess last month but I think that was 3.6 or 8%. Something like that,

What I’m talking about would be much, much greater. And I think we don’t absolutely know that we think at least from what we’ve been told that increase will be added to your normal social security that you’re getting now. whatever that increase turns out to be for you. That’s supposed to happen in this month.

So we’ll see is it good as a separate payment? bless God that’s fine. That’s cool because it comes combined payment with our normal social, that’s fine, too. All right, but those two are separate things. So social security, separate from restitution, Reclamation, R & R.

Now, what about where we stand – Let’s talk about something that was on a telegram post  talking about certain humanitarian groups in tier four B, having received their appointment already. That’s bogus. That’s not true. There are no humanitarian groups per se in tier four B and they have not received their appointments yet – none of us in tier 4B received an appointment yet, not true –

You can’t go by telegram – some of that stuff is interesting – and occasionally you’ll find something true – but otherwise, you can believe that. The other part is we know because we’re talking to people, that get emails directly from Treasury and Wells Fargo – we know pretty much what’s happening – pretty much. Now – listen –  to be candid – we thought we would get notified yesterday. It didn’t happen.

And we didn’t hear why it didn’t happen I have an idea, but it didn’t happen yesterday, and happened today. But before we throw in the towel, I’m not throwing it in and you guys won’t throw it either. We’ve been too far for too long. What is happening? What’s happening with the bond? I call them bond holders, but they are really Bond sellers because they’ve already sold the bonds – they’re looking to be paid on it.

Here’s what we’ve heard so far. today.

One source said that we would receive that  emails that we are to receive, would come out after the markets closed today. – they close at 4 PM Eastern  okay – that’s one time line  4PM on —

Another paymaster of an insurance platform said that we will receive this could go that was put this could go anytime after about 6pm Tonight, Eastern Time. Okay, so we got a 4 o’clock and a six o’clock. What else do we have? Okay, we’ve got a bond paymaster from Wells Fargo. that’s telling us that emails are to go out to the bond sellers and to us anytime after 9pm Tonight, which we don’t we start the big call at 9pm Eastern. so that could be processing and going out, even now as we speak.

So  we also know that when it comes to us receiving our emails we know that the call centers need to be in operation.

And we know that the redemption center staff, at least part of them need to be there to receive the calls that we generate through the call centers. If you’re Zim holder, it’s either a direct link or they give you another number to speak directly with someone at the redemption center to complete the setting of your appointment

Now that really can’t happen until people are in the redemption center to complete those calls. So even though numbers could go out tonight, and I hope they do, it’s more likely that we would wake up to them tomorrow or get them tomorrow. Sometime and then call  and set out appointments.

In that is how they want it done at the redemption centers, that’s how they want it done. They want to give you a 30 minute time slot. If you’ve got bonds, tell them that you had bonds like sheet bonds, box of bonds that kind of thing. If you can bring it in there been a lot extra time for you for that.

But we need to go – We need to get started with this. And we’ve heard from a couple of other sources that we should be there. with notifications by tomorrow, sometime – since we didn’t get it today without rolling it over to tomorrow. Get it sometime – and maybe we do get started tomorrow or Saturday but we should go right through the weekend.

Now we are in the very beginnings of financial programs to start the first and go through the seventh  and I think the RV is part of it. But we should  be there with this .And I think that’s great news for us. Even though we didn’t get started today like we had thought like we had hoped  –

So things are moving forward. And there is still cleanup going on. As I used to say cleanup in aisle three, four or five, whatever there is continued cleanup  And it is going on behind the scenes and it’s significant and that’s all good. That’s all good.

There’s very little else that really matters to us right now. In terms of what’s happening politically, terms of the border, all that stuff. My understanding is everything’s secure the border – all of that’s cool.

There’s things that are going on around the country. You know, and that’s fine. But we’re at it for so far long. We’re way past the point of no return. And I think we’ve got to be moving forward with what we expect very very shortly. So don’t be surprised if we get started here tomorrow, Saturday an go right through the weekend

I think it’s very possible. That’s what our time line looks like – and I know we have to readajust our time line all the time. We do we do have to and we’ve done that. And so if I sound like a broken record – I’m sorry – I don’t mean  to be  – I’m only  bringing to you guys, what we get from our military sources, from our bank  sources, redemption center sources, and and our people like, you know Saivan -and also people like Charlie Ward – the benefits we get certain things that we can bring to you –

And I was honestly surprised we were not going to get started yesterday. I really was. But no matter what, Remember  we have plan A – you guys play we stay with plan A and plan B for blessing comes to us. And at that point we decide  hey, we no longer need a plan A, we can move to a blessing, and move toward the new future. That’s what it’s going to be –

Med beds are heard this yesterday, will be ready in five days. Gonna be ready for us here shortly and that’s good to know

Okay, redemption centers are ready. The rates have been coming up on the screens of banks and redemption centers they are significantly higher at the redemption centers than the banks  

And I think you guys will be more than pleased – I don’t do rates anyway. Typically, we get close, but we don’t talk about it because they don’t want us to.

But I’m excited about where we’re going with this – I just want to get something to happen tonight or tomorrow. Where we see that we are getting notified – soon. I mean, like right now.

I think it’s coming –  I think it’s got to, you just have to say super patient like we’ve been, like Groundhog Day happen tomorrow. And we hope it’s not the groundhog  day the movie for us but rather to move forward with notifications.

Bondholders are expecting notifications any time after nine tonight and we are  supposedly too – we know some of the intermediary groups have already been paid. And hopefully they’ll finish those guys out. We heard yesterday. That the intermediaries  farm claims  -ranch plays  CMKX  – fines and  interest in penalties, adjudicated settlements –  and Prosperity Package’s will be going out shortly.

I don’t know that they’re gonna think they’re coming by FedEx. Some may be delivered differently. Evidently some of the prosperity programs and different things lined up. We think some of them most of them will probably pay by FederalExpress so don’t be surprised if you got FedEx delivery. If you’re a part of prosperity program.

There’s a lot going on. And I just thank you guys for listening. And let’s hope that national freedom day today kicks off everything that will set us free. And if I just like Scripture does Sue mentioned, he who was set free is free indeed. That’s what we believe and looking  to be free indeed  so let’s pray the call out

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