Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it’s Thursday, February 20th , and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you’re located around the globe. We’re happy to have you here. And I think we’re gonna have a really good call tonight, appreciate everybody making it in. And let’s do this as we call it open, prayer.
All right, let’s go to Intel. Let’s cut to Intel. Thank you, Bob. Very much. Appreciate everything tonight. Excellent. All right, guys, here’s the deal. I’m going to start with one of the last things that I got today this evening, and that was that redemption center leaders are to have received for this past 830 now Eastern and email at 830 tonight, Eastern Time that would tell them whether or not they should go into the redemption centers tomorrow morning or Saturday morning. Tomorrow morning, probably, and I don’t know what time, but I would suggest eight, 830 in the morning or Saturday morning. Now keep that in your near memory.
The other things that we’re hearing are that things are moving well for bond holders, I heard that their emails were to go out today. I have not absolutely confirmed it, but I think they did finally go out.
But even if they didn’t, they’re getting ready to send those out. We know the pay masters accounts have been hydrated, and now they’re ready to fund those bond holders accounts with the money so they can be notified that they have access to their funds in their bond holders accounts.
Now, in a related subject, we know who the security force is back out in Reno Sparks, Reno airport, and we know they’re getting three flights an hour in and three flights an hour out of Spark Reno airport. And we also know that, oh gosh, I’m going to say two, two years or more ago, that in one of the larger buildings there, let’s call it a hanger. I think it was a hanger were steel shelves that went 35 feet tall, 220 feet long, along one wall that were full of USTN shrink wrapped money, our new currency, our new physical United States Treasury notes
And today we heard from one of our contacts out there that money is moving right under our noses. And I think that, I think that is a way to say that the physical USTN currency is moving from, let’s call it the sparks Reno airport – Let’s call it the Treasury location that’s on the Paiute reservation that it may be moving and being transported to where it needs to go.
Now I know redemption centers received additional USTN currency yesterday and today. Yesterday was Wednesday, today’s Thursday. So they’ve received additional shrink wrap bundles of our new USTN currency in addition to what they already had a year and a half ago – The redemption centers and banks received this currency a year and a half ago.
This was to add to what they had at the redemption centers. I don’t know that they need it anymore at the banks, but I know the redemption centers, which is what we’re most interested in, as you know, is what those are, what received additional deliveries of those currency, new USTN currencies yesterday and today.
Now I can tell you why I think that is because, remember, a little while ago, I told you guys, they don’t want us to take more than $500 in our new cash, our new folding money – USTN folding money. Well, they just upped that a couple of days ago to, well, we don’t want you to take more than 3000 you can take a little bit more, maybe, if you really insist, but they want to try to keep us now to about no more than $3,000 In cash that would come out of our total at the time of our appointment, redemption of Zim and cashing or exchanging our currencies. So that’s something that is interesting, that change.
The other thing that we’re looking at is, what is the timing for us? We have one source so far that is confirming that we will get notified Saturday and exchange starting Monday of this coming week.
Now that’s one source I don’t have it confirmed from any of our normal, regular sources. They’re all saying it’s close. We could be notified over the weekend. Well, Saturdays part of the weekend, in it we should be notified over the weekend and blah, blah, blah, but nobody is committing to a day.
Now look at this. If the redemption center leaders that I just talked about got that email at 830 tonight, and it says, come in tomorrow morning. Okay, what if it says don’t come in Friday, but Saturday morning, that looks pretty good for us to get notifications on Saturday and start on Monday. We shall see.
I think that could be the case. Listen, if it if they go in tomorrow and we get notified tomorrow, so much the better, right? We will take it. So I don’t know which is going to be, but I like either one, either one to win.
All right, so keep that in your mind. Now, let’s cut to some really good information that I heard, oh, yesterday, and a little bit the day before yesterday, but I didn’t want to call Tuesday night, but I do want to bring it out tonight. Many of you guys have seen in the social media and on TV about some getting what they are calling a dividend, but the real title is going to be Treasury – backslash IRS – Treasury slash IRS – Oh, shoot. I can’t think of the final word, it’s not dividend, it’s not payout, but it’s something else – I’ll think of it before we stop – It’s basically like a dividend – I our US Treasury slash IRS savings account, if there is one, that’s what they’re calling it.
And this is coming from monies that Elon Musk and his Doge team are gaining back from for us, from all of the waste, fraud, abuse that they’re finding in gov agencies such as USAID, which USAID is not US AID
It stands for the United States Agency for International Development, sounded like a good idea in the beginning years and years ago, but it’s probably corrupted, and it’s probably going to be completely shut down. That’s my instinct on it.
But the monies that are coming, this is what Elon Musk said today on news, on an interview that I watched the entire thing on – he said approximately 20% of what they’re recouping is gonna go to pay, to pay to the American people, the American citizen and the other, another 20% of what they regain will be going to pay the national debt. So that’s what they’re saying. They’re going to do with it.
Now, those of us who know that this 36 $37 trillion national debt was tied to the USA Corporation. I’m not sure that we have to pay that back.
I believe the corporation has been dissolved, and maybe we have to pay it to someone, but maybe we don’t too but this money that we’re going to be getting is supposed to be approximately $5,000 per month for 12 months, for anyone aged, it’s a US citizen. That’s age 32 and older. Now I heard another thing that I want you guys to understand I’m giving you what I’m hearing.
This is my disclaimer. I’m telling you what I’m hearing, and I can’t absolutely say I have it verified by maybe more than two sources. Right now, if you’re 65 years and older, you should get $7,500 a month for 12 months.
Okay, this amount that we’re going to receive, if you’re on Social Security, you’ll get it in your Social Security bank account. It’s not Social Security, though. It’s this dividend. I hate to use that word. It’s not the right word. That’s what this coming from – from the Treasury.
They – if you have a bank account, which most of us do – it’s going to come to the bank account they have on record for you by your social security number. That’s how they know it’s you and it’s going to you. So they’re saying the average is going to be $5,000 a month when you’re 65 and older, some of us are it’s supposed to be 7500 a month.
Another 50% increase. So hey, that’s a pretty good deal. This is not a replacement of restitution and reconciliation allowance R and R. This is not the Social Security increase. It’s something completely different.
And I have heard notices my disclaimer, this is what I’ve heard, and I hope it’s true that it’s supposed to come in our first payment of this is supposed to come to our bank accounts by direct deposit over this weekend or very early next week.
Now think about the timing for this, this money is coming to every US citizen, 32 years of age and older. Why 32 because they want you to have worked and pay taxes for about 10 years, and their starting age is 32 until you’re 100 years old.
Now, what really interesting is I look at the big picture – why are they doing this and why are they doing it right now? Why are they doing it this weekend? We believe, because if we get our numbers Saturday, we begin our exchanges, Monday, Tuesday, it’s supposed to be Monday if we get notified Saturday, and guess what?
The entire country is being hydrated financially, everybody is going to have some money, and it’s not going to look so strange for us to be going into redemption centers. Some people that are not informed, because they’re not all might go to banks.
Basically everybody’s going to have money. This is a cover for us going our exchanges and redemption of Zim. It’s kind of giving us cover to go, I think that’s another reason why this $5,000 payment is coming this weekend. Or very early next week
Or are you guys with me? You see what I’m saying? I think it’s really, really interesting, and I’ve got to thank Elon Musk and his team of geniuses, up to 100 people working with him to find this waste, fraud and abuse in our government, and I have to thank President Trump. And I heard President Trump speak today at CPAC in the DC area. They’re not saying in Washington, they’re saying in the area. So I’m aware it’s being held, but I heard a lot of the people that were there.
Now there’s one thing that was said there today, that I thought was true, tremendous and a really good idea. They plan to have a garden of statues to denoting the leaders in our country through the years. These will be statues, and a be made of bronze, or what they’ll be made of – that was not discussed. But these statues are going to highlight a lot of people in history.
Now this is Black History month, February, and President Trump did a really good job of bringing out the importance of black leaders in this country, going all the way back to Civil War days and bringing us up to modern days. He had Tiger Woods there at the C pack. He’s a big supporter of Trump, and he’s, you know, President Trump talked about everybody that he was talking about that was going to be in this garden of statues, most of them, I believe, have passed away.
And Tiger, I don’t know if you want to be in this garden yet or not. And tiger said, no, no, that’s okay, but you’ve got very famous Rosa Parks. You’ve got Greda Scott King, you guys know all of the black leaders, the women and men will be in there. It’s going to be a great thing.
And I heard two things. I’ve heard that President Trump said they’re narrowing down the states that want to have the garden. It’s only one. But then I heard tonight, there might be as many as six or eight of these in various states in the United States. Oh, that’s great, too. That’s fine. Frederick Douglass, gosh, there’s so many leaders, white leaders too, and I hope it’s well balanced, and I’m sure even number black and white leaders through history that that would be recognized with these statutes.
I was very proud of the black leaders groups that were there fat CPAC today, especially you guys remember the head of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, right, and we have a new leader for HUD. And he said, I can’t remember his name. He came up and spoke very strong. You can tell he was a believer in Christ, and he said very favorable things about Trump and about what was going on people in America, as far as the benefit of having voted for Trump at the highest the highest number of black and Latino votes we’ve ever had a Republican nominee. It went on and on, and it was really very positive.
And I’m excited about rebuild America. I’m excited to have black and white male and female leaders working with us throughout the country. Very excited about that.
So we’re looking for notifications. I hope by Saturday, that’ll tell us that we can set appointments for as as soon as Monday, appointments to start exchanges as early as Monday. Now realize this, I only have that confirmed from one source, but I do have the redemption center leaders going in either tomorrow or Saturday.
Well, I’m hoping, I’m hoping it’s either one, right? And we get notified as but keep an eye on your bank account balance over the weekend to see if it’s 5000 or if you’re 65 and over, see if it’s 7500 coming in over the weekend or very early next week. It could be next week.
But when they discuss this yesterday, and I saw it referenced on Newsmax, and we’ve heard it’s all over social media, and they’re calling it 5000 or saying more. Well, the way I look at is this is a bonus. It’s not R and R, the R and R is not affected by it, but this is a trial run for R and R. It’s a trial run. They want to see who is going to receive these citizens are not 120 years old, because we don’t have any that old.
But however old our citizens are, they want to see who they are and make sure they receive these, these the benefit of this payment. And this is a trial room to see if people that don’t receive this, if they start complaining and saying, I didn’t get money, let’s get though I didn’t get my Well, guess what?
They’re going to find out who additional illegal immigrants are to this country, and they will weed them out and return them to their country of origin. So this is kind of a two fold experiment to do this, and it’s one year.
Let’s say you get the 5000 let’s say you’re 50 years old and you get five – five grand times 12 is 60,000 that’s a nice annual payment to you. I mean, it sounds like I don’t even know what I don’t know. Say what it sounds like. But if you’re 7500 a month times times 12, if my math is right, that’s $90,000 a month. I mean, a year, 9000 for the year.
So this does not affect our restitution, reconciliation allowance, R and R is not the increase that we anticipate in Social Security. Now I can’t tell you when the increase of social is to happen. We were hoping to hear that tonight from our Soc Sec contact, but we don’t have it for the big call tonight.
Sorry to say, I’m excited for all of us, because this is showing the direction that we’re going in. We’re, you know, Elon Musk and his team is absolutely making a huge difference in all of our lives. Is doing the right thing by refunding this money back to the citizens, the taxpayers who paid these taxes.
Okay, so with the very, very positive thing, if you don’t see the benefit of it, you need to, you need to be able to see it, it will be a stimulus. Even though it’s not being called a stimulus, it will stimulate the honey. A lot of people will save us money. A lot of people will spend it or do both.
I’m hoping this is just the first roots of the R and R of the RV happening this weekend. If we get the notifications, we’ll get started very early next week with exchanges I’m hearing Monday. So let’s see what happens. And I just wanted you guys to hear that.
And I had five confirmations about the 5000 I saw it myself. I saw Elon Musk talking about it, and when they talk about it, or when Trump talks about something like this, it’s already happened. It’s already a done deal. And we’re looking to see if it pops this weekend, which I’ve heard come over the weekend, but if not, early next week.
And if you don’t have a bank account, and you’re a true US citizen, you will get a check in the mail, probably certified mail to you. And now that could take a little bit of mailing time that could take – It’s not coming FedEx. It should become a certified mail. So I don’t know when those are going to go out. Maybe go out Friday? Saturday? Who knows? Maybe they go out Monday, but the direct deposits – which you guys know can happen very instantly that is supposed to occur over the weekend. I’m very excited for all of this We’re excited for this. I’m excited to get us with our blessing, with our projects
All right, so that’s what I wanted to cover today, and I just couldn’t wait to tell you guys about this. US Treasury slash IRS rebate. Thank you, Lord. I ask you, rebate is what it’s being called. US Treasury slash IRS rebate. It’s not a tax refund.
This is a rebate, and it’s because taxpayers have been paying monies in that have been abused and used and all that that Elon Musk are grabbing back, taking back, or recouping this, and this is part of what you’re going to be receiving.
All right, so that’s what I wanted to say. It is considered a rebate. So that’s the term that should be on the memo if they’re on a direct deposit, and something to that effect should be there for the physical checks that go out certified mail.
All right, so let’s go ahead and thank everybody for listening to the call. Let’s have a great weekend. Let’s look forward to emails. Let’s also look forward into our accounts to see the funds that should have come in over the weekend or early next week from this rebate. And let’s get excited about the blessing that’s on its way here.
So thank you sue. Thank you Bob. Thank you GCK and Jeannie and Pastor Scott continued healing. Thank you everyone, all the satellite team, for getting a signal out all over the world. And thank you big call universe for listening as we’re in our 14th year of the big call.
Have a great weekend. Not sure if we’ll have a call Tuesday, but check in just in case, because it could be a celebration call. All right, we’ll see what happens between now and Tuesday. All right, everybody. Have a great weekend, and we’ll talk to you soon. God bless you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
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