Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 13th  and you’re listening to the big call, I’m welcoming everybody all around the globe within the sound of my voice, as a result of the Starlink satellite system that my SAT team is piggybacking on for us to get out to quite a few countries, close to 200 countries, and quite possibly 25 million listeners.   .

All right, let’s talk a little bit about the Intel. Again. It’s not going to be a long Intel segment, because we have is strong, but it’s not a whole lot to base our lives on –  what we’re getting  from, I’m going to call it some of our military sources  saying that the notifications for us in 4B are to come out over the next 48 hours, which, to me, is Friday or Saturday.  That’s what we’re looking for the next two days.

And we know, for example, that the Iraqi dinar has been on the forex and trading upward, and also on the bank screens, they can see it trading upward, and it made some nice moves in the last two days, from just over $4  – $6, probably on its way to $8 now, and it’s just each moving up and because being traded, and that’s what we want to see. Want to see that happening

Now for bondholders, what they’re getting is that they should have their notifications also in the next couple of days, which looks really to me, like Saturday for them, –  they get that email that says they have access to funds on Saturday that is also lining up with what I believe should be our email to set our appointments and begin our exchanges.

So that’s what we’re looking at right now, I’m sure there’s probably a couple of other little things also going on. Here’s one of them. Remember, we were looking for the Iraqi budget to be put in the Gazette last we’re gonna say last Wednesday, right? Which was yesterday. Didn’t happen, but one of our sources is saying, come hell or high water, it will be in the Gazette on Saturday.

Today’s Thursday, so Friday, Saturday, in two days, we would have the budget, which contains the rate of the dinar in the Gazette, the official publication of Iraq on Saturday. But that should be great. That happens. We’re in good shape. We’re ready to go. We’ve had them say this time and time again.

The caveat is, let’s, let’s let it manifest to us when it happens. But right now, that’s the best and only information that we’re getting – I’m excited about it. And I think that you should be too.

But as always, we have to watch this stay in faith for it, and I believe for everything to come through like we’re hearing – but everything is what’s happening when it comes to people being picked up arrests, that type of thing is going great guns.

They’re just absolutely going, fantastically behind the scenes . We don’t really see it. The public won’t see it, but we know this is happening from our military sources,

So that’s really the Intel for tonight. I’m glad everybody is hanging in there staying with us. I know it’s difficult. I know it’s tough, but I will tell you, this is what we’re seeing, is what we’re hearing, and we’re looking forward to this coming to fruition very, very soon.

 All right,  Let that be enough  for you, tonight – And let’s just pray this thing in you guys and see where it is and when we’re gonna see it. I’m looking forward to getting it either tomorrow or Saturday, all right, so let’s pray the call out

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