Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

You welcome everybody To the big hall tonight. It is Thursday, June the 27th and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you’re located. Thank you. Sat team for getting the signal out all over the globe. We’ve had as many as 25,000 listeners and past calls, and we hope that’s the case again tonight – but before we gets started on the call. We want to go ahead and pray the call in. Let’s all pray it in together. Be in an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness as we pray it in together.

I guess, really, we’re set to go right into the Intel segment. All right

After, okay, let’s do this. This is not a long segment. Intel has become relatively hard to get – it is quiet in most places – due to gag orders – and NDA’s – people have been told to shut up and not say anything –  

However, all of this information from tonight, all of it is coming from Iraq directly, and we have some sources there that got in touch with us yesterday and again today and the yesterday information was that one of our sources was at the Baghdad International Airport and was able to use his credit / debit card. An Iraqi citizen was able to use his credit debit card to not only obtain lower denominations on the ATM, but also purchase airline tickets – in the ATM – which I didn’t know you could do, but he was able to do that, and of course, friend to be able to do that. He did have a rate, and he was able to be successfully able to transact business in  Iraq – on the Iraqi dInar –  And that’s really a very little thing

Now, the other piece of information came today, also from Iraq, from the source in Fallujah and this source was saying that we would have the Iraqi 2024 budget in the gazette over this weekend , that would be Saturday or  or Sunday.

You might have seen that they’re planning major celebrations in Iraq on Sunday. That does not surprise me. That’s the last day of this month, and the first of July is Monday. And  Intel stops, in my opinion, takes over.                                                                                                                                         

We’ve had Intel. Some of it has been good and fairly accurate, and some of it has not. We have not had the timing right on. We’ve got rates. Oh, don’t worry about that. I know what the rates are, but we do not have the timing for when patients would come out. We’ve been told patients Monday, we were told Tuesday, we were told Wednesday, we were told  Thursday – and then we went back to the sources that gave us the information  and they recheck, recheck with their sources, and they apologize and said, no, no, it’s going to be the last  three days of this month  — that last three days of this month are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.

So be approved by I’m sorry that the Intel i put it out has been wrong. I hate that. You guys know. I hate to put out Intel. I hate it, and I want to put out the most accurate, real information I can do –   you guys know I’ve wanted to do ever since the very beginning of the big call .

So the newest, latest report is last few days of this month, Friday, tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday. This should be a bang up weekend for us. Iraq”s  planning to celebrate great guns on Sunday, and we’ve got the first of July on Monday. My opinion is my opinion, we should possibly get notified in the next few days and actually exchange starting Monday. Nothing ever happens on Monday, but maybe Monday the first after Iraq has  already celebrated on Sunday – after the budget has already been put in the gazette  over the weekend –

 I don’t know. I’m just wondering, is that, essentially the beginning of NESARA, do we have a new USN that has been out and traded, but do we have it at the banks as a former thing we have that on Monday. This is where it’s a little bit dark. We don’t have that information. We don’t know.

Now. Now we also heard that, you know, President Trump is due to return between the first and the fifth of July.

We’ll see. We heard  other dates that he was supposed to be back. We heard that the Supreme Court with Justice Clarence Thomas has reversed the 2020 elections, that was over a month ago – and we haven’t heard it – he did, and we heard that President Trump’s what would we call it? The sentences on those 34 indictments were overturned last week by Clarence Thomas.

When are we here going to find out about that? When does that come out? They’re looking for the right moment to bring that out –  up. I can’t tell you if it’s this week, if it’s this weekend, or whether it’s later in the month of July.

We can forget about R and R this month and soc sec increases – in the month of June – . So we’re going to point our attention to July . We don’t know specifically yet, when it’s going to happen – so we’ll leave that one out there if I can get and we have another call, which I hope we don’t, but if we do another call, hopefully be able to let you guys know if that’s the plan for July, I would say it probably is. But again, I don’t see R and R – or increase in social or anything happening until one –  the RV takes place. And NESARA  a is announced, because that is all part of the NESARA

 We need NESARA to be known to the American people,  By the way – the contract rate on the Dinar again, a little over dollar today, still in really good shape, and they will offer it to you if you are a US citizen. Just saying, that’s going to count for something. President Trump wanted to make sure that American citizens were treated, treated, one example. So I guess what I’m saying is, we can’t telp.

They don’t want to know when this thing’s actually going to go but the information we’re getting out of the Iraq, the one the guy that told us, you know, it was using the ATM that had that was able to print.

He said, our time will come in a couple of days, a couple more days, but I think he’s probably right on the money. It could very well be Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and it could be a start on Monday, the first start a new quarter.

Let it come to us and just and just welcome it when it arrives. We’re that close. Okay, let’s pray the call out. I want to thank everybody for listening. Thank you big call you around there, around the globe. Thank you satellite team sat team for up all over the globe, letting people this call in their own language three seconds after I speak it in English.

Well, thanks everybody so much for listening. We appreciate you, and we look forward to maybe another call, or maybe not another call for just an ability to stay in touch with you by email. Okay. So, everybody. Have a great night –   So, everybody have a great evening

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