Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24


Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it  is Thursday, July 11th  and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe. Thank you. SAT team for connecting us with at least 17. 6 million listeners tonight or more. Thank you for that. Thanks everybody for listening and coming in. And this should be — I know I’ve said this before – but I look for this call to quite possibly  be our final call  – and I’ve got reason to say that  reasons to back that up.

So let’s enjoy this call, and let’s consider sort of a pre celebration call, and let’s pray the call in.

 It’s 10:15 Bruce, all right. Thank you, Bob. All right.. Now let’s go back and see where we are from last Tuesday, two days ago.I’ve got some information  we were talking about getting clarity  on the emails going out to redemption center leaders,

Well it ends up  we didn’t know exactly when it was going to be sent out or when it would be received by the leaders of the redemption center throughout the country

We found out today we received at least for two redemption centers that we know of. It was received at five o’clock in the afternoon  – is that today?

And anyway, it was picked up at five o’clock, which was great. So the next thing is, I’ll let you know about that email in a minute. But we also heard more information about meetings going on and there’s a meeting going on, or was going on this evening, maybe over now, but it was going on this evening up in Reno with principals that are deciding when to pay out the bondholders and possibly the private groups and possibly the platform trades That was being decided today at that meeting in Reno. We did get that.

We also heard that on the timing of this from another source that everything  would start Saturday night and culminate  this was the word culminate on Sunday the 14th. Okay, what do they really mean by culminate? What does that mean for us?

Not sure, but I know that   email that came out to the redemption center leaders, this was describing  the fact that  we would get notifications , either  Saturday Sunday or Monday, we’d be notified either Saturday, Sunday or Monday. That was pretty much part and parcel that was referred to tier four, A and B, us internet group – So Saturday – Sunday or Monday –

Now – we also found out that there’s another meeting tomorrow in Reno at 10 am in the morning – Reno Pacific time  – that would determine at that meeting would, I don’t know how long it will go? Let’s say it’s two hours. Let’s say it’s from 10 until noon – Let’s say it’s going to one pm –  whenever it is over, the release is for us – and the rest of the shot gun start  – Shotgun start we’ve talked about is really for tier four. That’s for us.

 I think the bond holders and the private and the platform trades – I think those are kind of on their own and should start / Could start anywhere from tomorrow to Sunday, but those of us in tier four, especially 4b that are in the Internet Group, we should looking to be notified by email with the toll free number inside either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday

That and I can tell you we’ve got a nice solid rate on the Dong on the redemption center screens. We got an increase in the what they called package rate on the denar I’m not so sure what that might be with the package  with rate was, gosh, it went up $5 just in one day, trading up. Now, let me pause for a minute and say – certain people out there – online are suggesting that you go and exchange at banks,

They even made  the comment that you can exchange at banks, get 30% of your total  and make 30% interest at the bank. No, that’s not true.

That’s a policy, and you’d be far better off if you use your telephone number to call and set your appointment, for the redemption center – I can tell you right now the redemption center rate that will be offered on R is a contract rate, and it is way higher than we all anticipated. That is going to be available to us. My understanding is, if you’re US citizen, you will be offered that rate, which is fantastic.

I see no reason try to do any exchanges at the bank after that, as long as you have a toll free number to call to set up your appointment at the redemption center, you’ve got a 30 – 35 minute window to exchange, the Senate bill, very fast, and it’ll go quickly for you. In, out, and they’re going to give you a key on a new satellite phone. When you exit, along with a list of perks that you can go through.

Listen guys  this is absolutely a great idea to go through. They will count and verify your currency. They will let you know what your rates are going to be. You can be a very, very quick presentation on the projects that you want to do, going to be wonderful, and they are as excited to have us in there as we are to be there.

So I don’t want to hear anybody that’s been listening to the big call for 13 years or two years or one year to fall for some scheme of going to the bank to get exchanged, because the bank rates are not going to be the same as the rates that we have on the screens at the redemption center.

We know that because of the people that we know are at the redemption centers that can also see the banking and there’s no comparison in some cases. So make sure that you watch your emails over the next I don’t know that they would come out on Friday, but it’s possible you could get them Friday night or Saturday and start at center appointment.

But remember Saturday, Sunday or Monday, and we will be all in there before Tuesday, or by Tuesday? Let’s say by Tuesday. This is what I’m being told.

Again, don’t pay too much attention to the information out there –  There’s a lot of stuff that is just  old stuff – cabal stuff – something that said about they’ve already started in South America. Oh, they have it that goes back months ago.

 Now we’re all going together, and we’re all going and I’m excited about this weekend. I’m very excited about it, and don’t know whether it be Friday night or Saturday or Sunday or Monday, whenever the emails come out, we’re going to respond to get exchanged. So let’s look at that. Have a great weekend. That’s why I call this sort of a pre celebratory call, and let’s pray the call out with childlike faith.

Thank you for information that came out tonight. Thank you for the emails that are coming to us. Thank you for blessing us with this incredible blessing we thank you for moving forward in Jesus name Amen and Amen

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