Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-25-24 


Note from Recaps: We are sorry this post is later than usual – this was due to power outage and loss of internet service – thank you for understanding

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-25-24  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody. Big call tonight. It is Thursday, September 26th  and you’re listening to the big call. We don’t have Bob with us tonight, because he’s keeping his condo dry from water trying to come in through the door. He’s on the sixth floor, but the wind is driving this rain, and we’re just going to pray about that tonight, starting with our lead in prayer, and tonight’s another prayer request, so we’ll be doing that. Thank you. Sue for providing the music prior to the big call, or lead in music or bumper music. Thank you for that

Okay, otherwise, yeah, okay, so we’re going to have a good call tonight, you guys, even though Bob is not going to be here tonight, he’s here with us in spirit, and we’re going to pray for his situation and all of those in Florida in just a minute. And then in the meantime, let’s go ahead and introduce everybody to the big call. Welcome everybody tonight, wherever you’re located around the globe, and we’re excited that you’re here. And we’re looking to have a shorter call tonight, but it’ll be a good call, full of chock full, as they say, of good information. So I’m looking forward to bringing my part in.

Let’s do this. Let’s go into Intel let’s go ahead and do that now

I think what I first bring up is why we didn’t go so far, and that means that we had information – As you guys remember on Tuesday’s call, it was looking like we would get notified Wednesday or Thursday this week. Well, a lot of times we’ll have Intel that looks great at the time something happens, and we don’t quite know why we didn’t go. We just don’t know why everything looks like it’s done, it’s ready, and so on. Rango, well, this time, we got a reason – a reason why – it’s a good one

All right, first of all, we have  banks ranked by the amount of deposits they have – the amount of funds or on deposit. They’re ranked as tier one, tier two – tier three – tier four and tier five, different levels of banking with assets on deposit – Let’s call it

Now we’ve got  – you guys know a lot of the tier one banks – Wells Fargo, chase  – Citi Bank –  bank  of America , truist bank, which is a newly merged bank  in the last year – a little less or so, maybe longer now, and probably  Santander Bank –  there are many more. Obviously, HSBC will be a tier one bank too.

So what we got with that is there are no longer going to be a tier five banks, and the remnant of the tier five banks, which are little,  mom and pop banks – small banks, small town banks, those are going away, but a lot of them, if they still exist, will be merged, or, let’s call it, absorbed by tier three and tier four banks. And there’s been a lot of that going on so far.

A lot of the tier one tier two banks have picked up some of the other smaller banks into their into the group. So the reason I’m  saying all that is because the tier four banks – let me back up, tiers one two, three and four banks, okay, have already been connected to the Star Link satellite system.

Okay. Tiers one, two and three, tier four banks have not been and they’re working on that even now. They started, I’m going to say a few days ago, and they should complete by Saturday night . I Believe Saturday Midnight is when those would be complete, and that is why we didn’t get to go this week. I know that the redemption center staff is on call over the weekend, which for us, is usually starting Friday. So Friday, Saturday, Sunday, they are on call, and not supposed to go in the redemption center.

Okay, so keep that in mind. The other thing is that we are hearing that coming from Iraq, that they will have their smaller denominations ready to go, which are like ours in terms, I don’t think they have ones, but five – 10’s, 20s, 50s, and 100’s that’s their new currency.

That’s their new currency –  you know the three zero notes from Iraq that we have? You know the 25,000 or 25k notes? I call them the 10k the 5k the 1k – all of those 3 zero notes have been removed from Iraq

But the lower denoms – you know, still count . They aren’t the ones that they’re going to be using to buy things with. I told you guys they were catching up on payout salaries, and that should be done by the 30th this month, the last day of this month.

 And we’re getting good news about we’re getting news about the fact that everything is moving in the way we want it to move – from the bond owners perspective, they have been told they will have access to their accounts on Tuesday, which is the first of October.

You know, I didn’t buy the idea of the first of October for us because we were told before now that we would be going this week prior to the first of October.

However, the most recent information that we got last night / today was point to something different. We will be  – and we have aa very strong source that is indicating that we will be notified or receive the emails that we’re looking for on Monday, which is the 30th of September this month. That’s this coming Monday, we will receive our notifications.

What do we know about the notifications? All we know is that they should occur from east to west coast of the US in a three hour period.

 Okay, they’re not all going to come out at once. They’re going to be coming out at different times over a three hour period, and that should be on Monday. Now, once we get those emails, we’ll have a toll free number. We assume it’s a one 800 number that is in that email that we will use the call the call centers.

They are saying that, because a lot of people want to call away, the phone lines could be jammed. They’re suggesting that we wait an hour or an hour and a half after on Monday when we receive these to call so that we can get one of the calls,

Now remember those calls are going to route us to a person at the redemption center, which we indicate by our zip code for the area of city, country, area where you live or where you work, or where you want to exchange.

Okay  so that is set up for you to go do that through the call centers, which we know at least four regional call centers in United States, and then we’ll go from there set our appointments and most likely exchange on Tuesdays, which is the first of October.

So here we here we are talking about getting notified by on the 30th of September, setting appointments on the first of October, and going and exchanging, getting all that done.

So that is some interesting timing on that. I wasn’t sure we would get notified before Tuesday – the first of October – but it looks like – according to one  very strong source that we have – Yes, we will get notified on Monday the 30th of September. – Monday  September 30,

Anyway, can’t wait – looking forward to it, just like you all are. And I’m looking forward to that. And of course, I’m looking forward to the Med Beds shortly thereafter.

Let’s Talk a little bit about the other things that that were mentioned in the prayer request earlier. And that is, that Jeannie had brought up –  the restitution reclamation allowance for those of us who have currency or exchanging and they know who 80 to 90% of currency holders are.

Okay, they already know most, if not most, of the Zim holders they know and the regular currencies they don’t know for sure. But where I want to go right now – I’m going to deviate just a second.

Where are we In terms of banks and redemption centers are seeing on their screens.?

Okay, both banks and redemption centers have the 14 currencies that we know about. They’re going up from substantially in value, some of it a ton, as you guys know, and some – maybe not as much – but still pretty strong increases in value –  14 currencies  doing that-

Now as of this weekend, and I think we can speak about Saturday, we should have all of all the countries in the world which people estimate, or people say -206 – some say 209 let’s go with 209 countries  – of that 197 currencies will be on the screens – they may be able to find anything from dinar to Jim buck 2 –  anything that is a country with a currency, they’ll be able to bring it up.

Okay, so bring what you have, if you have, if you have bonds. I’m not referring to zim here, but I’m saying if you have sheet bonds, or a box of sheet bonds, make sure you let them know when you book your appointment, because redemption centers have people that can take care of those for you.

Okay, but you got to let them know that. Let them know that. Yes, either way, I have sheet bonds, and they are bringing gold bonds, their railroad bonds. They’re whatever German, whatever they are, German bonds, yellow Dragon, whatever they are, bonds, let them know when you talk to them, that you have some and that you’ll be bringing down if you have bonds, you better have good diligence – for those that you have good provenance is the word – provenance, provenance for those bonds, paperwork, where they came from, who owns them – how did you get them? Blah, blah, all that stuff. They have to go through that and verify, number one, that they’re legitimate bonds, and number two, that you’re the legitimate owner of those bonds.

So there’s a lot to that aspect of it that’ll take more time let them know if you have any and want to bring them to the redemption center, but we’ll handle this for you now.

Our going back to what I’m saying, Our RNR, if we’re exchanging of currencies, is supposed to already be deposited into our quantum financial accounts. Okay?

Our quantum account has it in there. You’re only going to move those funds into your primary or  secondary wealth account with the quantum card which you get at your redemption center appointment.

 You get a quantum access card, and you say a quantum card three times the thickness  of a credit card with three chips in it. Usually they use your biometric fingerprint or thumbprint.

They’ll use a username and password, and they’ll have, you’ll have five digit PIN code, okay, and a brand new, not an existing but a new email account. And then, of course, you’ll have a, you know, the email account, and a new password for that. Those five steps are what you need to set up your quantum account and move on.

The only thing you do with this one card, and it’s only used to move funds  from the quantum  account to a Wells Fargo or another bank –  down the road  initially Wells, to move funds into the Wells Fargo. I call it primary or master account, okay, so we’re going to do that on day one when we get in. And you’ll have access to some of those moneys on day one, at the time of your  exchange

okay? And that initial transfer hopefully will ask you for the first 3060, maybe 90 days after the exchange, but you’re going to be able to use that quantum card to move those funds as you need, as you need. That’s what it’s used for. You got to keep it in a very safe place where only you know where it is, nobody else, because it’s tied directly to you, alright? Don’t carry with you. Don’t put it around your neck. Don’t just keep it safe place. And I wouldn’t even recommend keeping it at the bank in a safe deposit box. I mean, maybe, but only if you trust that the bank will be there. They’ll be open when you need to get in there.

You really are supposed to do that in a very private location. Use that card in a private setting from your home. Okay, so we’ll see what happens on all that.

 Let’s go into the “when” we have been told from a very strong source that I’ve mentioned, we would get notified on Monday and set our appointments Tuesday and possibly exchange Tues or Wed. That will be open to that possibility Wednesday  –  but I believe  we will be able to exchange on Tuesday. That’s what I’m hearing today, and it’s really good news. I’m excited about it.

Military on military bases, active military on military bases are going to be able to exchange dinar and Afghani over the weekend  they already know that they have received emails to tell them that it’s not us, it’s not for us. Just so you guys know it’s military.

 Now, one other thing about banks, let’s say you have currency and you don’t want to mess with calling to set an appointment. Bad move, because if you have currency and you waltz into any bank USA, will they be able to exchange you?  yes for the most part, yes, but not zim. If you have zim  guys forget about going into any bank USA, it ain’t happening. Don’t even think about it.

In fact, if you call to see if they’re exchanging and you have zim or any currency, if you call the bank with any currency, they will call, they’ll give you the 800 number to call the federal appointment with a redemption center.

Why is that? Why can’t you walk into just any bank USA ? because President Trump wants us all to get the highest available rates, and the highest rates are on the redemption center screens, and we just know that that’s the case because we’re talking to people who are actually seeing both bank screens and redemption center screens, I’ve already told you guys that the dinar has a contract rate that is extremely high, and even if you only have one or two notes of dinar, it’s enough to make a difference, a big difference.

So as I mentioned before, that rate is tied to the per barrel of oil price selling by Iraq, not buying from Iraq, but selling from Iraq, and exporting to Egypt, to Turkey, to other countries that Iraq is exporting oil to it. So it’s tied to it. Now it’s fluctuating. If the high is down a little bit, it’s just something that’s a moving, moving number, a moving amount.

Let’s see beyond that. So my point is, you’re gonna end up at the redemption center anyway, and if you have zim – nobody’s going to touch it except through Wells Fargo at the redemption centers. And let’s say we’ve got people that are in the hospital like we do with Tom. It could, they could take up 40, days for them to be able to still use the redemption centers.

So we’re going to set the appointment the best we can and try to get in there we can as soon as we can, sooner the better, because your Med bed appointment is predicated for the most part, on having gone through the redemption process once you get in there and talk to them about your dire Need, for example, in my case, or Tom’s case, or the fact that you have to have a medical problem, an issue, something needs to be resolved or fixed you have to do that and let them know that – in the redemption center when you go in and make your presentation –

All right, I don’t know that there’s a whole lot else that I need to bring out. I think that’s everything I wanted to say. So let’s do this. Let’s continue to pray for the people in the path of hurricane Helene and then and let’s continue to lift Tom up as well if you will.  As a courtesy to me. I really appreciate that.

 I want to see him completely fully restored, full medical help on this full mental assessment, and let him  come out fully restored, have his memory intact, everything, everything fully intact. And I’m going to go visit him tomorrow afternoon. I’m looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

So thank you for those that have helped Pastor Scott who has had briefcase stolen, and I pray that it is returned to him. So thank you for everybody that has helped out with offering to donate Zim to him. Well, let’s go ahead and pray to Paul out.  Okay, so we’re gonna pray the call out. And let’s do that now

Go ahead and see what happened this weekend for us. We could get something but it sounds like Monday is our day to receive notations, and then you’ll know what to do after that. All right, thanks everybody. Thank you. Sue. Talk to you soon. Okay, get it off the Recording now.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 9-26–24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins   1:00:40

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