Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – It is Tuesday, February 6th and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all around this globe. Thank you for the SAT team that’s getting the call out to as many as 198 – 200 countries around the globe, like they did last Tuesday, which was terrific. And thank you for just being here and listening and being part of everything that we’re anticipating happening. So let’s go ahead and praise a call in .
Okay, it’s time to talk about where we are Tuesday, okay, today. Now, we did get information for the last five days since the big call and we did get some information yesterday, and today that is pointing to this going very soon.
So there’s a 4 letter word that we don’t use that often. but I’m gonna explain that a little bit as to why where we are. Alright – let’s go back and talk about what has happened today.
There was a conference call with Wells Fargo. And I would imagine there was a treasury representative on the call. I know it was a mainly a Wells Fargo call to all redemption centers throughout the country. I don’t know if it includes Canada and Mexico. I didn’t get that. It could have but I know it was from 10am to 11am this morning Eastern Standard Time. The one hour call with all redemption center staff.
And this was final protocols – final processes, everything they needed before going.
All right. so that was this morning from 10 to 11. and then we find out that they are expecting a meeting – they meaning redemption centers are expecting an email either tonight or tomorrow by before noon tomorrow. It could be tonight – But my belief is it would be before noon tomorrow. That email would include when our notifications will be going out.
And I heard today from a source that he seems to think we will get our notifications around noon tomorrow. And my theory has always been we could get it at the same time in each timezone.
If it happens to be around noon. tomorrow at noon Eastern – noon central – noon mountain – noon Pacific – noon Alaska – noon, Hawaii. Let’s see. Let’s see if that’s what happens.
That seems to be a theory that was verified as yes, that is what we’re going to do. Get it at the same time at each time zone
. So now, what else is happening is we are on a what’s called a shotgun rollout. Now that’s combining two concepts of shotgun start with a rollout of everything to everybody.
And we believe that shotgun rollout is going to be a 12 to 16 hour rollout where banks may get a rollout in 12 hours and we may get ours in 16 – No big deal. Redemption centers are the way to go. I can’t believe certain individuals in the currency community are still not acknowledging the difference between the rates at the banks and the rates at the redemption center.
Redemption centers will be higher – period. We know the rates. We know that all rates were locked and loaded on bank screens already. And they will probably be locked and loaded on redemption center screens tomorrow.
Here’s another little interesting tidbit. ATM Machines …….. Why would ATM machine be down and inoperable at noon Eastern time or noon today for Wells Fargo for truiest bank which is also a tier one bank – PNC Bank and maybe others those were the three we found out about
Could they be using that downtime for new software? Or is the software already loaded and ready to go?
Could they be using that time to load in new currency? new USN currency – our new asset backed currency — Maybe — I would think that’d be one reason.
The ATMs were not taking deposits – not putting out receipts -not putting out any money. Don’t you think people are going to be very interested in why the ATMs are down.
I mean, I’m not an ATM guy. I use the inside of the bank – But a lot of people even in the drive ups use the ATMs and they do it all over the world. Last time I use an ATM was in Italy back in 2007 I believe it was – getting euros out. So I’m not I’m not a regular user but a lot of people are – a lot of people deposit in the ATM’s – and you know — how long do you think they can be down without causing a ruckus? 24 hours? 48? I don’t know that they could be down for more that 24 –
Noon today the ATM might responded tomorrow are expecting some pretty cool activity.
All right. So what do we have? we have that information about the conference call today – don’t Know that title skype call or online called and no it was audio.
I don’t know what video audio could be one way video. I don’t know our call as far as we know, what else was we from all the other main sources that we will be going in for exchanges before or by Friday morning. And I think that was a cya move – just by that individual.
Okay -. But one of the sources one of our good friends that brought the wells fargo info to us – said he anticipates us getting started with notifications tomorrow and exchanges on Thursday.
Oh wait a minute – Thursday – That’s February the 8 th – hey who likes the number 8? That’s right. China does. Just saying – and the other individual was from PNC bank – they said they would be prepared for exchanges – to start on Thursday – and they’re not even doing zim. They’re only doing all the other currencies
I think …. And this is not Bruce calling it but this looks awfully good – for Wednesday notifications and Thursday exchanges. So that’s the information that we have to support that piece that I brought out – It looks very good.
Now let’s talk about some other stuff.
There’s some things out there that I think are fairly this seem fairly accurate.
And you know I don’t bring up other people or other calls and stuff. I rarely do that – you know – But in this case could we get a Bronson decision from the Supreme Court on Friday the 9th? Looks good.
Transcription skipped here due to political references —–
Okay, could it be something brought out about our financial programs, which is sort of the new way of say the startup of NESARA in this country?
Don’t know we’re looking for something. When are we going to have the USN declared as a new currency as an asset backed currency?
Without the so called NESARA and GESARA ?
When are they going to come out and how are they going to come out? Whos is going to announce them? These are all questions we don’t really have good answers for yet.
I think this could be a very interesting week weekend into next week – we should get something really we could sink our teeth into starting tomorrow hopefully with notifications and then starting Thursday with exchanges and redemption of zim and then beyond that. it’s game on. We get we do a lot of different things.
So I’m excited about it, guys, you know I am I’ve been waiting a long time – we’re in our 13th year of the big call. And you know, I’ve been watching this for 20 years now.
So I mean, I’m not the only guy out there I know that I thought I was late to the game when I came in 20 years ago researching and buying the currencies
right so the rates are the least of our worries – just set your appointment once you can get the toll free number and we will have the number on a landing page of our website As soon as we can. And we’ll be sending out with the help of bob and Raleigh will be sending out an email – Email blasts that would include the toll free number to use to call in to set your appointment
Now, most of you guys will probably get those emails that have the toll free number in it right away.
So you may not need it, but it’s there and if you’re registered on our website, you’ll receive the number you’ll get and you don’t have to resend your email unless it’s changed when you did the first time. But if you have you know if you if you have done that, See that’s the way we’re going to be able to stay in touch with you about the projects we have planned so rebuild America, rebuild international for the veterans retreat network and the pastoral retreat network.
Those four projects of mine, I plan to use and let you guys know what’s going on and keep you up to speed we might do a special call recorded with the link in the email that you can click on.
Right now, do the best you can to do your exchanges and redemption of zim. Keep it all on the downlow. Keep it quiet. Respect your NDA’s and make sure that you keep as much anonymity about you as much as you can. Just be just keep it quiet, as quiet as you can.
Because the NDAs could last as little as 30 days or as long as 120 days probably depends on how you speak how you appear how you speak how you think and say what you’re saying in the redemption centers. If they don’t think you look like you can keep your mouth shut. They will go longer on your NDA. So if you think you got your act together. You can be quiet. They’ll reduce the amount of time for your NDA
So everything is looking like it will roll out in 12 to 16 hours. That’s your roll out.
So guys, all you can do is pray and believe the information that I’m getting is accurate and not going to change. That’s the key I don’t need new intel – I need for the info that we have to remain accurate.
And I need for us to move forward with our redemption of zim in our exchanges I think you are going to be very pleasantly surprised by rates. I think you’ll be this is going to be a once in a lifetime experience – for all of us – its going to be extremely beneficial to humanity. Not just us, our accounts – our lives – families’ lives – And everybody that we can bless.
This is loving your neighbor as yourself – This is loving people you’ve never met before as yourself.
So let’s do this.
Thank you for everyone who’s listened to the call for years and recent more recently last year review internationally globally. Thank you for hooking us up through the satellite system all around the globe. We appreciate that.
Thank you everybody behind the scenes, mentioned on the call that have been really super helpful in getting this thing done – We appreciate it. We thank the redemption center staff and the leaders of the redemption centers And we know who some of you are for what you’ve done, the military. Special Forces, Guys, everybody that has helped to bring this about And to Clean up on aisle three, four and five and continue to do that And continuing into the future. we appreciate all of that going on.
Everybody out there that’s listening Oh, great. thank you for tuning in. Some of you all 13 years of the big call. We appreciate that very much. And you’re the best and I always say I want to thank God so let’s pray this call out and see what happens tomorrow.
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