Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everyone to the big call. It’s Tuesday, April 2nd , and we’re so happy you’re here. and you can tell by Sue speaking in the place of Bruce that Bruce is, unfortunately, in absentia, And we’re grateful to have Bob and I’m here to hold on the fort – we will be letting you know a little bit about why Bruce isn’t here in a moment. Why don’t we open with a prayer.

So Bruce was not feeling well, I think he mentioned that on the call. yeah, on Thursday. And basically, and I’ll do a little bit and then let Bob on give a little bit and then Bob will just fill in because we’ve been on Bruce’s team at a distance right now.

Basically, he just got pretty severely dehydrated, And now he’s with a private physician and getting treated  and was not really really feeling the top notch and feeling well enough to be on the call . After we do the paperwork to do a prayer for Bruce

Brief Intel: 1:17:17

So our number one guy said that there are only – and this is important to know – there are only 19 people in the world that know when this is gonna go and that he was told that  Charlie Ward has an insider’s club. We heard about this online in my insiders clubs so to speak –  and that he was on a call on Saturday and  he was basically on blackout.

 And he was saying essentially, when he is in blackout, it’s very close -very close to going. And so our number one intel person said, Charlie being on blackout as of this Thursday last week was because the bondholders were moving –  things were basically moving – in their world – they  are still not liquid, but they are moving.

And so, we were told today that the bond holders that we know – should be getting their email tonight or tomorrow – and as soon as they become liquid – which could be tomorrow – or Thursday  – and this is coming from our number one intel guy – we  will get access to our 800 number

What we got also later –  right before I was doing my leadership call  was from a top person at Wells Fargo who said  this could go any time between tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning. So that’s Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning.

In addition to that, we heard that these smaller bond holders that we know should be receiving these emails, and they’re expecting these emails at any point between tomorrow at around 11 to Thursday and to reinforce that – our number one guy  got an encrypted message from …… well lets say he is connected to somebody very prominent – and very knowledgeable –

and he said, I’d love to tell you – but  all I can tell you without getting my … ( use kind of an odd I’m not going to use it as kind of a extreme language statement)  without getting my my something in a ringer as well.  It should be going within one to two days, and that was at two o’clock.

So what you can tell from this is that everything is collecting  around tomorrow afternoon to Thursday to Friday morning. That’s coming from the top of Wells Fargo to this other person is connected to people that really know what’s going on and probably connected to the 19 people that really know what’s going on.

He says it should be in the next couple of days. And then the bond holders are expecting their emails and wanting to get that notification that they will be liquid between tomorrow and about 11 to Thursday,  So we see somewhere between tomorrow just like the Wells Fargo guy said to Friday morning is our current window  – our current window.

And that’s pretty much Charlie Ward is on blackout. Everything really started to hustling on on Thursday last week when he went into blackout  – we’re just waiting for the bondholders to get liquid – being told that they’re about to be liquid, and then we will go anywhere from approximately 12 hours after that.

So as you can see things moving. Everything’s moving in that direction. We also asked when there will be a political change in regard – and were told don’t bother asking anymore. Nobody’s going to tell you. So that’s that – and that’s the  intel  for tonight –  and I would say to be looking and keeping an eye on your emails  for tomorrow afternoon to Friday morning – so just kind of end of the week.

Thanks everyone we will see you Thursday

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:17

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