Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big night. It’s Tuesday, May 14TH and you’re tuned into and listening to the big call. I just made an announcement for everybody to tune in to Newsmax, maybe like me keep the volume very low so you can still listen to the big call, and maybe catch a few things when President Trump made his presentation.

It hasn’t started yet so we’ll kind of keep an eye on that if you want to. I’ve just got it recorded. So I’ll check in check it out later.

These things don’t tend to start exactly on time – if everybody’s noticed that he tends to be at least 15 or 20 minutes late. I did not think this would be the case tonight.  I thought it would start pretty close to nine Eastern and go till 10 But we’ll see what happens.

All right. so I welcome everybody to a call tonight all over the globe. If you’re listening, great. Good to have you. Let’s do this. Let’s pray the call in which we always do Tuesday and Thursday nights.

 I’m just gonna try to monitor this thing and see whether or not we’ve got somebody that just gave me a wrong time to the start of the Trump speech.  I’m just gonna see if there’s anything happening here – ok II can’t tell – so

Okay, all right. So what we said earlier about a presentation that President  Trump was going to make is at nine Eastern  – as I watched Newsmax I didn’t see anything.  So something is off there. I don’t know what it is. But we’ll go into the intel without that.

Now what was interesting, and actually, a little bit disconcerting was that on Saturday’s rally in New Jersey there was an attempt made on President Trump as he was doing his rally from a black hat Secret Service agent. In other words, a bad guy posing and being a secret service agent.

Fortunately, four or five of guys that were bonafide white hat Secret Service were able to surround this guy and neutralize him and take him off. And that little incident rescinded our grip on the military temporarily.

And we had that about a week and a half ago, we had a green light and then a few days ago, we had all three green lights. We had one from military, one from Treasury and one from Wells Fargo. That said Go – Now. We didn’t go. We didn’t get to receive our toll free numbers by email or any other way – And we’re back resetting now, where the green light was supposed to happen either late this afternoon for military late this afternoon or tonight.

Could have had good had to do with the so called presentation that President Trump was to make. Now if he made it, it didn’t show up on Newsmax to I don’t understand it because it’s definitely not happened yet tonight

Maybe it’s getting ready to go in that direction. We’ll see – Really. I’m not gonna wait on it. So otherwise, guys, we were set to go today. From most of our sources are things we would get notified today before lunch, didn’t happen.

And so now we’re like okay, what is what is the plan?

And the latest thing that we got that might indicate a plan and came from the US Space Force, our contacts with the Space Force, and his or her contacts indicated that we would have a window of opportunity to receive our notifications between tonight and tomorrow night.

Now that’s just the 15th – That’s tomorrow. And that could very well be when we’re notified. And we get this get her 800 numbers and we get to set our appointments. And maybe, maybe we start tomorrow or start on Charlie Ward’s Thursday.

Just kidding about Charlie ward Thursday because he did have another day in mind. About six weeks ago, that did not happen. And I just bring that up as a possibility that it happens on another Thursday. It is a possibility that it could go this Thursday.

We need the numbers to come in by email. And we need all the three green lights to be lit up again. And then we can move forward. Move into our exchanges and move into our projects.

Now other than that it was good to us.  –  I think everybody really wants to know oh, here’s one other thing. Yes, thank you.

This came in from one of our Iraqi sources today that he saw that there was a rate on the Iraqi dinar – it was over $8 and it was an in country rate – in country in Iraq, in Baghdad. Now.

You also noticed the dinar or excuse me the Dong is just below $8 – and these are kinda early rates – in country – in Iraq –  and we do know that the dinar  was not traded on forex on Sunday.

Normally the Forex would look at five o’clock Eastern in the afternoon. And then you know, it’s trading it’s raining again for me. Well, we found it or did not go to light went on another trading platform tied to the Central Bank of Iraq and CBI. I don’t know about that platform  but evidently  it showed up there.

Now what did happen – get my dates right on this — on Monday – President Sudani of Iraq – made two of his three announcements that he was going to make – We still have not learned what those announcements  were – at least we haven’t  -maybe somebody else does – I don’t  – and then that third announcement that was not made Sunday was made Monday morning by President Sudani

So it did happen yesterday. And now we’re looking for something to come out of our side. Offensively, President Trump has some form of presentation and it could be it could be the first fruits of our USN and the fact that we have an asset backed currency.

And the other thing that we got today was that the QFS  is the quantum financial system has been fully integrated into our banking system here connected to all banks – previously our accounts that we have in our banks now –  were mirrored with the quantum financial system.

As of yesterday, all of our accounts are actually live in the quantum financial system – that is a point of interest that we have now, where we are fully integrated, and on the quantum financial system all of our current accounts are that way. So, we’re lined up ready to move forward. And we thought yesterday that that was a great indicator that we could get notified today, and we were supposed to.

That didn’t happen for some reason – and we were supposed to get notified us later this afternoon – and that didn’t happen – And the theory was maybe the trigger to get notified would be the  presentation that President Trump was going to make tonight. Now if it ended up on right side broadcasting and if it ended up on American new network – I don’t know it but those were two platforms that I was supposed to be on – As well as Newsmax –  which it has not showed up on

So — I’m gonna say, at this point, we’re not sure what happened.  We’ll figure it out.

Will we have another call Thursday night? I don’t know. We’ll have to see what happens. We’ll have to wait and see which is one of those expressions we all hate to hear. Let’s wait and see what happens. 

But — as far as Intel goes, we know we’re super close.

We know that the banks have been trained all the way down. Most banks not every single bank, for some reason, has been fully trained all the way down to the teller level about currencies.

And now it’s a matter of throwing the switch and letting us toll free numbers and setting our appointments.

So that’s what I’m going to tell you tonight for Intel. It’s not a whole lot, but I think we’re very close to that’s going – hopefully the Intel we’re getting from the US Space Force is accurate and we see something between tonight and tomorrow night.

All right, so that would be on the 15th. So let’s see what happens. In the meantime, let’s call up and thank everybody that was able to participate in the big call – and we’re just looking forward to this going you guys we really are – thank you big call universe – everybody out there – the SAT team getting the satellite transmission out across the globe – But let’s see what transpires tomorrow.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:10:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30