Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night  6-4-24 


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night  6-4-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Let me just say welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It’s Tuesday, June 4th  and you’re listening to the big call thanks for listening, or tuning in everybody. We look forward to everybody around the globe connected through our StarLink Satellite System – our SAT Team is on that  –  

I’m slipping in and out over here, but I do have some intel — all right, guys, I got a little information that  most of it came in yesterday,  a little bit more today. So what I’m looking at is we had rates that were flashing on the bank screens over the weekend, but very slowly. In fact, you get flash of a rate every 15 seconds. So it wasn’t really doing much. – very slow  – that was like Saturday.

Things didn’t  pick up yesterday because as you guys know  the Forex opens around 5 o’clock  Eastern time Sunday afternoon – so we have every reason to expect that  the Dinar  – and the Zim and other currencies  would go live – and be showing up on our screens. And that’s pretty much what was happening Yesterday and then by  9:15 this morning everything was solid.

Now, what has to happened is these rates that have been flashing need to come in and solidify and go hard green because if they’re flashing, you’re not going to be exchanging. But once they solidify and get to a hard green state. That’s when you know you’ve got a fixed rate to work with.

That’s been happening  we expect from what we’ve been hearing from our sources that tomorrow – That should be the case – that we should  be getting a go and stopping point to be able to move from a moving right to fix green light, right.

Another thing that’s really interesting for us, so we got some information from one of our sources in Iraq – Very powerful —  spoke with Dr. Sudani , the prime minister of Iraq. today. He was saying that —

He said that the rate on the dinar and the budget, the rate on the budget, Iraqi budget, which I believe is the 2024 budget had been handed over to, to the ????? to to their official documentation to their official record and that that would show up tomorrow, Wednesday, as a fixed document.

The budget will be seen inside the budget will be contained in the rate on the Iraqi dinar but we still don’t really have out internationally yet. He’s not everywhere. So that’s a really good thing that has been populating. and moving in that. —  That has been moving in the right direction. For a while but we haven’t – We haven’t had publishing in the gazette  yet.

Tomorrow. What we’re hearing is that the  Iraqi budget  has been handed over to the Gazette to publish it because as the publisher in the morning today that when that happened we look forward to the new rates and rate on the dinar being seen tomorrow.

Now the theory is that once we have the Iraqi dinar out with a budget tomorrow in the printed version of the Gazette on Wednesday, that we have a  “Game Over” —  that we have  what to release the emails to us — and to move forward with our exchanges and I don’t know when it will show up —  it could be early morning. That’s my theory In the early morning tomorrow, Wednesday that the Iraqi dinar shows up with a budget published in the Gazette tomorrow. And then people would see what the rate is in the budget.

So that should happen tomorrow and if that does happen tomorrow we should have solid  Dinar rates on the screens –  And we should also be looking for everything to start on with notifications  sometime tomorrow. We get notified  from Wells – that means we get our emails from Wells Fargo and then we set our appointments accordingly. And then we go from that point on. So that’s a lot to have happen – overnight tonight and tomorrow.

But I think that’s really the last step if we’re there if we’re actually there. We should be looking forward to setting appointments for our exchanges  And  we believe we’ll start with exchanges on Thursday .

We will see how that works out —  And I’m excited about it. I think we’ve waited long enough and we’re excited to get started on everything including our projects. So what we’re looking for is all the rates to populate on the bank screens -. to be solid, not flashing. and then, we’re looking for the Dinar  to be in the Gazette  – a look at published tomorrow, and that should allow for everything to move forwards.

Other than that, the only other info I can give you this recording some of the jurors –  that were involved with President Trumps trials  –  that  3 were involved. And I know so far these three have been arrested reimbursed. I’m not going to go into depth on it, but I know why.

So let’s just see if everything that we mentioned comes through tomorrow, especially the gazette – , especially the  Iraqi Dinar  being dark solid and published in the gazette.

And then we’ll go from there and should be able to set appointments and start exchanges probably on Thursday.

I mean  if it comes out  it could be  possible we start exchanges Wednesday but –  But what we’re being told is,  Wednesday we can we get notified  – set appointments –  with start exchanges on Thursday. So let’s see what happened on that  –  other than that – that’s really everything I had to  give and I’m sorry if I say it again but  it’s all good .

Let’s  go ahead and pray the call out —  and then we’ll see what tomorrow brings with it.

Everybody have a great night. We’ll see what tomorrow brings  cant tell what  time our notifications are going to come out  but we will keep an eye on it  and let you know –  alright. Otherwise  have a happy night tonight –  and a beautiful day tomorrow – thanks everybody for listening. and we’ll talk to you on Thursday unless we get noticed and then we just move forward.  Hope everybody has a great night and sleep well.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   56:00

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