CBI auctions +$279 M. in forex on Monday

CBI auctions +$279 M. in forex on Monday

During its currency auction on Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) sold more than $279 million.

CBI sold $279,811,934 at a rate of 1,305 IQD per dollar for cash and 1,310 IQD per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards and foreign transfers, according to an official Bank statement.

The majority of sales, or $266,511,934, were used to increase foreign reserves through transfers and credits, accounting for 95% of total sales. $13,300,000 of sales were paid for with cash.

One bank bought cash dollars, while 16 banks satisfied demands for supporting unfamiliar equilibriums.

Additionally, the auction was attended by 13 exchange and brokerage firms.