“Coffee With MarkZ” Monday Morning Chat 5-20-2024


Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Well another day!! Good morning everyone!!!

Member: Sure am tired of this “movie

Member: it’s not a movie, at this point it’s a sitcom

Member: Some have called for RV this week.

Member: What’s the good news today Mark?

Member: big things are expected on Memorial day weekend with 3 day banking holiday.

MZ: Many banking sources  are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. .Many bankers are upbeat about today and this up coming Memorial day weekend. …. But, There is a lot of smoke out there.

MZ: “Zimbabwe receives invitation to China’s premier global gold showcase” They are one of the only 20 countries that were invited. This shows Zimbabwe’s rise to prominence in the BRICS world and commodities world. .

MZ: New Bank Story: “ From a small town outside a large one- A banker had been doing research for a customer after hearing about it. While doing research he found out about the validity of the currencies and determined his banks was involved in the RV”

​​Member: Im new- what does RV stand for?

MZ: Re-Valuation

Member: CMKX news?

MZ: No new CMKX news. They are ready and waiting.

Member: Bond news Mark? I’m hearing it’s good and moving forward fast..

Member: Mark, a bond guy said that they are anticipating all historic bonds to be paid out by end of May or first week of June

Member: How can Iraq pass their budget without a new rate?

MZ: Remember when they designed their budget –they added a clause in there for a value change…for the budget to adjust for a value change. We are hearing they passed a budget but we are waiting for a few details that are missing. Things that are not released yet. This may be an interesting day on that front.

Member: Was that Sudanis big announcement yesterday.

MZ: I believe that was Sudanis big announcement that they passed the budget.  They have made a lot of agreements…a lot of movement toward Erbil and the HCL.

Member: MM put out and article this morning that the COM (Council of ministers) is sending the schedules to the HOR (House of Representatives) tomorrow

Member: Frank26 has a good overview of yesterday’s events. Go give him a listen.

Member: So is the death of Iraian president yet another excuse for delaying the RV? This rollercoaster is exhausting & disheartening

Member: Sure looks suspicious to me …reminds of of when Khadafi in Libya was killed.

MZ: It could just be an maintenance issue…..But you have to wonder when something like this happens to someone in a that position . Prayers for a smooth transition for the Iranian people. He was a very controversial figure.  

Member: Think about this…. Sometimes people have to be moved out of the way for good things to happen. Iran?

Member: The 1st VP of Iran will be the New President of Iran!! He is a Conservative, so we could see a different Iran!!

Member: My friend in Iran said he did not think there was any foul play, but that he was not a good guy

Member: Maybe white hats are finally doing some clean up?

Member: There are rumors of the federal reserve going away.

MZ: “GOP Lawmaker introduces a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve” This is a oldie but a goldie. . Rep Thomas Massey a republican out of Kentucky intruded this. Many have jumped in to support the bill.  This was first introduced in 1999 by Ron Paul . This to me is great news that it is gaining momentum .

Member: Saw this about an hour ago: Wyoming Strikes Gold: 2.34 Billion Tons Unearthed, Rattles China

Member: I went to a coin show Saturday and met a woman who wanted to buy silver but wasn’t sure what to buy. My hubby and I helped her. Found out she knows about the RV, owns several currencies & agrachecks

Member: This roller coaster sucks

Member: Nothing, nothing, nothing, then suddenly something.

Member: Hearing energy has shifted ….this is huge get excited ….it’s switched …3d reality will show face soon ….abundance on ur lives is imminent


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Mod:  MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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