Detailed Study of Land Use in Iraqi Kurdistan

Detailed Study of Land Use in Iraqi Kurdistan

Based on data from remote sensing, a new study has developed a comprehensive Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) classification for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

The review region covered an all out area of 46465.1 km2.

The study shows that the most common LULC classes in the Kurdistan Region are:

grassland (13354, percent 28.7 km2);
arable land (10 years) (11283,%24.3 km2); what’s more,
open timberlands and shrubland (7483,%16.1 km2).
The other critical LULC classes in the district include:

inundated land (3425,%7.4 km2);
thick timberland (,%6.8 3180 km2); furthermore,
crude land (2811,%6 km2).
Metropolitan regions involve just %1.9 (876 km2) of the absolute region, and water bodies and wetlands comprise %0.8 (389 km2) and %0.01 (4.1 km2) of the district, separately.

As per the creators:

“The review discoveries have significant ramifications for land the board and preservation endeavors in the district. The predominant land cover types, like fields and arable land, are significant for agribusiness and domesticated animals nibbling, and their reasonable administration is fundamental for the district’s food security. The open timberlands and shrublands, which are additionally conspicuous, are significant for biodiversity protection and natural administrations like carbon sequestration in Kurdistan Locale and Iraq. For conservation planning and management, it is also essential to identify water bodies and dense forest areas.

“In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive LULC classification for the Kurdistan Region that can serve as a foundation for planning conservation and land management. The findings of the study emphasize the significance of conserving open forests and shrublands for biodiversity and ecological services and sustainable management of grasslands and arable land for food security.”

Click here to download the full report (English).

Click here to download the full report (Arabic).

Click here to download the full report (Kurdish).