Economist: Limiting the sale of dollars to certain companies serves the interests of some political parties

Economist: Limiting the sale of dollars to certain companies serves the interests of some political parties

Diaa Al-Mohsen, an expert on economics, is of the opinion that restricting the sale of dollars to specific businesses demonstrates that political parties are in support of those businesses in order to ensure their acquisition of foreign currency.

“There are many problems in the monetary authority that need solutions and decisions in order to serve the citizen, away from complication and increasing inflation rates,” Al-Mohsen stated.

“After the sale of dollars to travelers was restricted to specific exchange offices or companies,” he added, “the increase in cash commissions during the exchange process between the dinar and the dollar from 15 thousand to 25 thousand will only benefit exchange offices.”

“There is confusion in making financial decisions regarding the process of selling the dollar, especially with the smuggling of dollars through forging cards or travel tickets to obtain foreign currency from official sources and ensure its arrival to exchange companies,” he remarked.