Economist: Population census will increase financial shares for central and southern governorates

Economist: Population census will increase financial shares for central and southern governorates

economic expert Sadiq Al-Rikabi confused, on Wednesday, the significance of the population census in growing the economic stocks of the valuable and southern governorates in the state’s popular price range.

Al-Rikabi said in an interview with, “The populace census is a completely vital technique and could have an impact on the distribution of financial stocks a number of the governorates, as governorates with high population density acquire more allocations than others.”

He added, “The relevant and southern governorates need to have their proportion inside the finances determined by means of calculating their contribution to the national economic system, further to their population density, in addition to their bearing of the burdens of pollutants on account of oil production.”

The population census technique started this morning in all of Iraq and could hold till the next day, Thursday, while the religious authority and political forces known as for the need of wide participation and registration of individuals’ records.