Efforts to reduce the price of improved gasoline to 600 dinars

Efforts to reduce the price of improved gasoline to 600 dinars

The Baghdad Provincial Council is getting ready to present a plan to bring the price of improved gasoline down to 600 dinars per liter.

“Most families with limited income are unable to equip their vehicles with it, and resort to using regular fuel, which leads to vehicle malfunctions,” the head of the Council’s Oil and Gas Committee, Safaa Al-Mashhadani, stated in an interview that was followed by

He continued, “The submission of an official proposal to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to reduce the price of improved gasoline to 600 dinars per liter instead of 850” in the following paragraph.

“The Council is also working on reviewing the Master Card used at gas stations because the majority of citizens, especially the elderly, are unable to use it,” he said.